
Whats your favorite part about disneyland???

by  |  earlier

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mine is right when your about to get on the ride and the gate

opens and you sit down and put the seat belt on!! ahh i love it there haha




  1. When i walk in through the gate.

    Or when i walk in through the castle,

    because it makes me feel like a princess

    :] & that warm feeling inside your tummy

    you get . the magic :]

  2. my favorite is when you ride the ride over and over you are still a little scare even though you know wants coming

  3. checkin out all tha females that come from around tha world...;D

  4. I love going there and feeling like a yound kid again and riding all the classic rides. That's my favorite part about the happiest place on earth.

  5. It's the Happiest Place on Earth. All of the Disney Magic!There are so many different things to do there. Each day we go is different. Sometimes we go to CA Adventure sometimes Disneyland. They have shows, rides, parades, fireworks, shopping, movies, drawing classes, etc.

  6. The feeling of magic and fantasy that surrounds you as soon as you enter the park.  I love it!

  7. the general feeling of happiness and being young

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