
Whats your opinion about this man?

by  |  earlier

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He is 43 and happily married 17 yrs.

When he met and started dating his wife he was 25,never been in a serious relationship and still a virgin cause he was waiting for the right 1 and didn't want to have s*x with just any girl.

His wife was 21 when they met and she was also still a virgin.

He didn't come from a religious family so him waiting didn't have anything to do with religion it was a personal choice.

They didnt wait for marriage they started having s*x while dating.




  1. Opinion about what?

  2. They wanted to have s*x with each other, I don't understand what you are asking here, but my answer is that neither of them felt they needed to wait any longer because they knew they had found the person they would spend the rest of their lives with. I don't have any opinion of him, he's a man who found a woman that he wanted to have s*x with so he had s*x with her.

  3. ahhh that hes one of a kind and so is she, and they obviously knew each other was the 'one' for them, so as for them having s*x before marriage, good bloody on them!!!

  4. Listen sweetheart.. Finding faults in other people is a sign of an evil heart. Let him be. There's nothing wrong with him. There's something very "wrong" with you asking this question.

  5. Sounds like a man who has his act together because after 17 yrs, he's still happily married.  Nothing strange about it.

  6. whats the deal?

    I dont think anything, there is nothing abnormal about him or anything.

    He's done something right if hes still married for 17 years, good for him.

    i hope you're the wife, if not, you best not be considering messing up his marriage or something.

    i still dont see what the issue is here

  7. he's not the norm thats for sure!  Maybe he had problems in that "department" that hes not telling you about or just wasnt lucky with the girls!   I just hope he doesnt have a mid life crisis and turn into a rampant stallion soon to make up for lost time.

  8. so?

  9. He changed his mind, so? There's nothing surprising here.

  10. Uh... sounds good to me.  

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