
Whats your opinion on global warming?

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I have to take a poll for my Environmental Science class.

First question: Do you think that global warming from an enhanced greenhouse effect is a very serious problem, a moderately serious problem, or of little concern?

If you could also state your age, political leaning, or s*x that would help me greatly :)




  1. It's a very serious problem.

    Global warmig is mainly caused due to the burning of fossil fuels,that has been identified one of major reasons for the change of temperature in the atmosphere.

    i m 20yrs, F.

  2. 30, Mechanical Engineer, Reagan Conservative.  

    CO2 gasses will increase the temperature of the earth.  Man is increasing the temperature of the earth.

    Moderately serious problem.  

    I agree with the statement man is warming the earth, how much, I do not know.  I am really skeptical when I type in searches like below, and one with energy conservation.  I get more skeptics, than believers using actual math.

  3. well, 50, personal responsibility, Male.

    The truth is that all the scientific evidence of global warming is as much faith as anything else.  The planet is some 4 odd billions of years old, Humans have been on it for less than 150 or so thousands of years about 3 trillionths of the time.  and there has always been slight variations of temperatures in all of written and spoken history.  But lately many "intellectuals" want to take data from a few decades and try and apply it to a billion year forecast. The reality is they can't even tell us if it's going to rain tomorrow much less a month or year from now.  I can say it will rain sometime in the next year and probably be right.  Will the planet get warmer in the next billion years? Probably. Will the planet get cooler in the next billion years? Likely.

    Opinions really mean nothing and in this case the facts cannot tell us anything of real value.

    Now on to a really pertinent part of this, should we as people do something to reduce pollution, decrease waste, and protect natural resources? Well the obvious answer here is a resounding YES, not because of global warming or cooling, but because it's the right thing to do. Take care of the planet it's the only one we have right now.


    If you want to know the truth about Global Warming follow the money. UK’s Channel 4 premiered a 75-minute film entitled, “The Great Global Warming Swindle.” which among other things showed how politicians used climate data to create a false sense of panic to cause something to happen in a manner they wanted.  The same is true today look at Al Gore and his "carbon credits".  It's all about the money.  

    The current thinking is that this planet will last for maybe another 3 billion years at that time the sun will have consumed all of its hydrogen and then start an expansion that will eventually consume the earth.  Then none of this will matter.

    What are the politicians going to do about that?

  4. I don't buy it. And the thought that man is causing it is ridiculous. The Global Warming Politically Correct Crowd shout down anyone with dissenting evidence and go as far as costing them their jobs in the academic and scientific community. They don't explain our 7 or so previous ice ages, totally disregard the sun in it's "evidence" of "man made global warming" and seem to be completely ignorant that just 30 years ago they were warning of the coming ice-age.

    I despise the eco-n***s. I place a portion of the blame for high oil prices right on top of their flat heads.

  5. white independent male 34 - I think it's a bunch of horse manure. I've lost a little faith in man-kind because of the seeming wide spread belief in this hair-brained theory. How people can not see through this BS is beyond me.

  6. It's real.. no doubt about it.  But the debate is about what is causing the earth to warm.  

    I've read some interesting articles about those scientists who say that human beings are not the cause of the earths rising temps, but it's the sun's activity.

    I'm 31yr old, libertarian, female.

  7. Most of you guys need to pay attention to detail.

    Little concern.  Fear tactics from the government to keep the masses dormant and brainwash.

    In addition, the government controls the weather to create disasters for population control.


    My 2 cents.

  8. I think it is real!! We need to try to dis the warming and reverse it to cooling!!! HERE IS A VIEDO      AND ALSO REM. RECYCLE AND GET EARTH LIGHT BULBS

  9. its happening and we can't do anything to stop it.  We'll die from it soon enough.

  10. It's a very serious problem.

    My age is timeless - baby boomers never grow up.

    I don't lean, I float - d**n left wing jackals have no set principles.

    I'm an amorphous blob so I don't have a s*x -

    Well actually, I'm very s**y.  Only a guy would say that.

    Peace to you too ;)

  11. unlike othr ppl im gonna keep my answer short and fun...but this is a serious matter and i must say that Global warming is a very ver very!!! VERY!!!! VERYY!!!!! ETC. serious problem that ppl should some how at least not just say that they feel horrible and like omg but they should start doing something...what i really dont get is why ppl must litter gosh! and haven't you guys hear of the natural disasters happening around the world!! oklahoma had a tonado few days ago killed 20 thousand ppl China had a earthquake that killed 10 thousand ppl!!! TT>TT and ...i think it was australia or some other island nation had a trunami that killed just as much ppl!! i think that all these disasters are caused by global warming hurting the world's weather ya know??? im 15 high school and u really need this  info on ur poll??

  12. it's natural.

    I am an independent, logical thinker.

  13. global warming from an enhanced greenhouse effect is a very serious problem.


    anarchist (for you americans, that's sort of like a left wing libertarian if you can picture it)


  14. very serious.




    one would hope the assignment involves the difference between science and public opinion.  you should probably have asked for state, income level, occupation, etc., although you cannot trust answers to reflect anything real around here.

  15. Real, mostly caused by us.  The scientific evidence is overwhelming.

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

    Old guy.  Politics is unimportant here, this is scientific fact.  A few of the many Conservatives who agree:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

  16. Male, 25, college graduate, far left leaning (not a whacko though).

    I look at it this way, the Earth has been warmer, the Earth has also been colder than it is now.  It is a cycle that has gone on for millions of years.  The fact being now is that, yes, the world is warming up quickly.  Did we cause it to warm up faster than has been typical throughout the Earth's lifespan?  How do we prove it in a manner that could be considered solid evidence and not controversial?  Is it possible that all of the greenhouse gasses that humans produce have in some way slowed down the warming cycle of the Earth?  how to prove it?  Have we really had that much affect at all?  

    Now how about this.

    Does it really matter if we caused it or not?  It is getting warmer, and the ice caps and glaciers are melting, the sea level is going to rise, and it is going to flood millions of people's homes.  What are we going to do for the several hundred million people who's homes are going to be under water?  We haven't even been able to fix New Orleans completely.  What's going to happen when hundreds of towns and cities are flooded?

    Ww should stop playing the blame game, and find a way to help those who live in coastal towns and cities worldwide in advance and not at the last minute.  I really hate the blame game.......

  17. i think global warming is a big pile of CRAPP!

    MA, 14, Independent, Female

    most people my age believe that shittt  but im smart enough to kno its shitt

  18. i think its real,but we are fighting a losing battle,third world countries have no choice but to use fossil fuels for everything..

  19. 1st question.  I don't believe global warming is caused by humans, so no I don't believe its a serious problem.

    I'm 22yrs, Dem and F.    

    Also please don't use wikipedia to find accurate info.

  20. Global warming is happening, but it is not from the C02 that man is putting in the earths atmosphere, the earth is going through a natural warming cycle, their are plenty of websites that show their is no correlation between C02 and temperature rise.

  21. I tend to agree is Dr. Christy on the matter of global warming, ie.. climate change.  We are slowly warming, humans do have some affect, and that we will be able to adapt because the warming will not be has great or catastrophic has suggested.  My age 47, political leaning, independent conservative.

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