
Whats your take on this girl?

by  |  earlier

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I met a girl a little over a week ago, and we have been great friends, we talk every day, text, see each other, she brought me some stuff from the store she works at, i gave her something from the store i work at, everything seems happy joyful, so i figure come friday the good thing to do would be to ask her out, so i asked her if she would like to hang on friday, she said "Definitly", so come friday she doesnt text me until like 930pm, and grant it i am pissed because we made plans, but she told me she was tired and that her mom was coming home, whatever. I was really mad. i knew this was bs, everyday she talks to me, texts me until midnight, all of this c**p that shows me shes interested, but then this?> well what the heck? so she continues to text me and laugh and talk about stuff, then come today i asked her if she wants to go get something to eat, she tells me she would but she made plans. Whats her deal? Does she simply want to be aquantinces? if so- why does she continue to text me 100 times a day from early in the morning to late at night. what is this all about?




  1. shes a loser!

  2. Ok i think u need to talk to her. ask her if she really truly feels for u. the way u feel for her. n maybe she likes u the same way back and maybe since she's quote un quote been so busy lately shes prolly just afraid to go on a date w/ u cause she relized she likes u. good luck! best of wishes lola

  3. False friend

  4. fruit loop

  5. Maybe she is just busy!She can't focus her life around you ya know!

  6. Drop her. She might not want to actually hang out with you, just text. I've tried this strategy on guys before. Plus, she might text a lot of people. Is she always on her phone?

  7. She probably is not what she says in the text massages.Best for you to ask he politely why she did not go out as promised.Give her second chance and the benefit of the doubt.There are many reasons why she is behaving this way.You should not get mad at her in the way you are.That shows you are intolerant and may not be good for her.If you planned to her proper boy friend than you should try to understand otherwise just let it pass .

  8. From my personal experience girls like to make lots of guy friends without getting too serious with them. Taking from what you have said she "likes" you but is not ready to get closer with you. If you want to date this girl you will have to be more patient and don't ask her out all the time, try to do it when you think the mood is right like when you see each other face to face. Dating is a confusing game, good luck to you!

  9. Maybe she just HAD plans.

  10. dude, she's obvvv playing with you.

    she likes to flirt in like texting but when she sees you..or like is going to hang out with you she's nervous and she backs out..

    i'd move onn!!!!

  11. Pen Pal! someone to talk to (and about) but not to see. Dont ask her out n e more still text or watever.

  12. Sounds like she likes you but she just nervous. Text her when she texts you from now on but let her make the next plans to get together. Some girls have to have control. If you really like her then let her make the plans and see what happens.  

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