
Whats your theory on evolution?

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  1. it's one possibility out of perhaps three that I believe might explain our origin.  Another is, we were colonized here by alien ancestors.  And of course, there's Religion.

  2. I went to the zoo.  The chimps recognized me as being a relative.  They spent a lot of time laughing at my stretched-out legs, and my misshapen feet, and my ugly head that's not bulging out the front but instead bulging at the top.

    I figure the big chimp at the zoo is my 500,000th cousin, 200,000 times removed.

  3. No such thing as evolution. We say Apes evolved to humans. But then why do we still have apes in the world? shouldn't they be human by now?

  4. no evolution.

    Everything and everyone is just so well planned and perfect to just had happened by an "accident".

    I believe that everything is part of a very powerful, creative and loving God.

    It is so wonderful to be able to see days and nights, feel the wind, the water, breath, live, die... etc.... so many wonderfull things all around. It can't be an explosion.

    All your body cells the way one thing leads to other... it is all part of a very smart and intelligent being.

  5. I don't have a theory on evolution.  I know that there is mountains of evidence supporting it, and we know for a fact that things evolve, we just aren't completely sure on how.

    Anyone who thinks evolution says we are here by 'accident' does not understand evolution.  Does natural SELECTION sound like a random process to you?

    "But then why do we still have apes in the world? shouldn't they be human by now?"

    This is like saying 'if me and my cousin came from my grandmother, why don't we look the same?'

    No, apes shouldn't have evolved into humans by now.  We're no better evolved than the apes are.  There's no such thing as better evolved.  Apes fit their environment, and we fit ours.  That's all evolution is - adapting to fit the environment.

    Evidence for evolution -

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