
When I go back to school ???

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I am friends with girls my parents dont like cause they get me introuble but there cool and every one likes them and i like them there funny and i dont no what to don ???




  1. First, you really have to evaluate yourself, what are you really looking to get out of your friendship with these girls, and is their friendship worth the trouble they get you in? Personally a part of growing up is leaving childish ways and childish things behind. If it isn't good for you, it wouldn't do you any good. It's cool to have associates, but I wouldn't call the girls friends at all. As far as everybody else liking them, you just have to dare to stand out. You have to think like this "If everybody is thinking alike, somebody's not thinking" (from a quote). Be an individual, think for yourself, think beyond yourself, and make the right decision for you, and remember your parents only want the best for you!   God Bless

  2. go change the school and get some new friends your parents like.  

  3. My Mom doesnt like the half my friends she says theyre bad influences. But I dont care if I dont go to jail or dont get in trouble with the police Im good. U should hangout with whoever.

  4. Think are they really your friends??!!! Really why would friends get you in trouble?!!

  5. Listen to your parents--troublemaker friends will ditch you the minute it is convenient for them--they will not waste time getting into trouble for you--so don't waste time getting in trouble for them--those type of loyalties are pretty fake and temporary no matter what those friends say--after all--how long have they been in your life? the minute you do something they think is uncool you will be unimportant to them-

    -Stick with what is good for you in the long run--Be smarter than the rest of the kids your age and in a few years you won't regret it...It's tempting to ignore good advice and just hang with the cool crowd and waste your time--but you will so regret it later--be smart now and enjoy your rewards later while those trouble makers wind up doing nothing and having nothing in the end.

  6. what exactly do you and the girls do to get you in trouble? you got to ask yourself, if the stuff that your doing is wrong, maybe you shouldn't be doing it...

    i know it hards to believe, but parents are there to look out for you... so maybe there's something they see, but you don't. try to talk to them, and see how you can fix the problem.  

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