
When I visit London??

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- are the tourist attractions near to each other?

- where can I park my car in the city?

- which day is best to come?

- any other advice?




  1. OooOo i just came back from England and im moving there. Its so so beautiful and really friendly people there, England isn't as big as it look, its as big as my state Texas so don't worry it doesn't take long to get to tourist attractions. I would suggest you  to take a taxi in the city because its almost as busy as NYC but it is a lil expensive for taxi's. Come maybe during the summer because thats when im going back and i heard its noice and sunny and warm. Just have fun don't try to only tour, go to a pub and have a few drinks and walk around the streets and go to a good restraunt. When i was at London I went to see the Phantom of the opera play or you can go to there burger king. I started to miss a little of America so I went to there burger king and they have cooler things... hope that helps <3

  2. Most major tourist attractions are a 10 minute walk away from a tube station.Best day to go is a midweek day...kid's at school,people at work.

    I would get a train into London,parking's expensive and a nightmare to find parking.

    Try not to ask people in London for directions it's obvious then that your a tourist,this leaves you open to being pick pocketed,mugged,taken advantage of.Your best bet is to ask station master at the train station before leaving.

    Have a great time,I'm originally from London and there's great things to won't be able to do it all in one day but have fun trying ;o)

    Edit:Amsterdam,I wouldn't have mentioned the asking for directions thing if I hadn't seen it happen a number of times.My uncle is also a station master and has told me and my family many a time,don't act like a tourist because he has seen it numerous times actually whilst at work.People leave stations ask the nearest person for directions and make themselves obvious targets for either illegal taxi drivers or opportunists.

  3. OK, IF I WERE YOU I'D NEVER TAKE A CAR INTO CENTRAL LONDON. tube is the best to reach there. and everything else is a walking distance or a busride. good luck.

  4. I have lived in London all my life and love it.  Of course you can ask for directions without being mugged, but most people in the centre are tourists too.

    It's a huge city, man.  The tourist attractions are where they are, not conveniently arranged for a quick visit.

    Don't bring your car, the few parking spaces are expensive.  Very expensive.  

    Every day is crowded and busy, there is no "best" day

    Other advice: walk whenever you can, it's cheap, healthy and the best way to see the city.  And stand on the right on escalators, the left is for those who want to walk.

    In case you missed it the first time - don't bring your car.

  5. London is great city . i am giong there myself this summer  but i have been there before several times so i know a bit about it .

    most of the tourist attractions and historical sites are in zone one , this means that when you travel through tube within a zone you get charged less and if you travel from one zone to another the tickets get more expensive. and yes travelling though tube is BEST option . you dont have to worry about parking , traffic jams or any other thing .

    travelling on tube can also be expensive but you have options to buy an oyester card or  a fullday or three day travel card which brings the price down considerably.(personally i prefer a travel card . oyster is too technical for my liking)

    although i personally think that paris metro is a better network than london underground because the metro stations are located quite close to each other . london underground or tube stations are comparatively further apart . if you intend to visit some place which is exaclty half way between two tube stations you will have to walk a good ten to fifteen minutes or so before you reach it . but it is still a much better option then taking your own car . tube maps are easily available . you should no have any problem finding your way around london .

    have a nice trip.

  6. Hi Samantha, I totally agree with the first answerer in that parking at a station outside London and travelling in will save you a fortune. Otherwise you will pay £8 congestion charge plus astronomical parking charges. There are many organised sightseeing tours if you wish to pack a lot of tourist attractions into one day, links below. I hope you have a lovely day whenever you come and whatever you choose to do.

  7. I have to say I agree with savethew

    Although I will say no day is any better than any other cause london is a very busy place no matter what.

    please don't act like a tourist you can be ripped off for all sorts of reasons. my mate went to london shes from finland she asked a women and man,think they were a couple if they could give directions to the aquarium by the river they said they would walk with her cause they were going that friend was thank full until she realised on entering that they had managed to take her purse from her bag without her knowing.she had to cancel all her cards and phone a friend to collect her from london.She did say the staff in the aquarium were fantastic but it's something she could have done without.

    All I'm saying is be aware,get a train,parkings not great and have a lovely time,London's a magical place so much to see and do x

  8. Dont take your car ,go by rail very cheap tickets if bought in advance on line the underground rail network takes you from one attraction to another  no one can tell you where to visit as we all have differing interests  got to do you homework about London,tube stations and so on  long before you go ,same as I would have to do if I came into your area..If you dont want to buy books get loans from your library..
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