
When Is America Gonna Wake Up?

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Who sees the corruptness that is happening all over the world? Especially in the US




  1. Close all the gates and doors into the United States, then start the job of cleaning up our own country. Good place to start is our own Government and the Politics that goes on. We have allowed people from other countries to come into the States and deal with us which has diluted what so many years ago people went to war to maintain. We have no business in other countries trying to make changes and supporting them with our tax money and other items of support. They all have their customs that we have to conform to, and meet when they arrive in our cities and towns. Wake up Americans, they're in America not in the country they left, we have our customs that need to be upheld. Some people want to say if we don't support these people, they will be coming here, well wake up they are here now. More than ever and each American is paying for a large per cent  of their support and needs. Right now more than anytime in history, the same people we have been supporting in their countries are coming to the United States telling us what and how they want things to be. Their rights start when they can support themselves and contribute to this country's  welfare. Look around as to who owns the different businesses that at one time were American owned. Could it be that the Americans can't get the loans and other support these people are able to get from us to start the projects they get involved with.

    Feed and support your children first, before you go off and try to support other countries.. Sounds bad, but take a good look at the people that because of companies moving to other countries,or going out of business are being left with nothing to look forward to right now. America is a wonderful place to live, so wonderful that its own people are having a hard time making ends meet because of the open arms of support for people coming into the United States from other countries. The numbers are to the point that it can be seen at the Social Security offices where they are apply for support, and thru out the business communities. GOD BLESS AMERICA,

  2. I understand your concern but we can't get the liberals out of Congress until November 2008 election. Patience!

  3. america became a wuss,because ,no one has the ba**s too hurt feelings,and,because of the "bleeding  hearts".

  4. Have you been around the world? Last time I drove in Mexico I was pulled out of traffic and robbed by a cop. That's not uncommon in most thirdworld countries. Who sees the corruptness? Everyone but you. Especially in the US? Your kidding right. I know it's here cause I'm not dumb but when was the last time you paid a bribe in the US? I'm not sure when America will wake up but I'm hoping to start with you. We're not perfect but we're doing pretty d**n good by world standards.

  5. vague question....  You will have to give us some examples... Corruption is ramped all over the world not specifically in the US..  Try to ask your question with a little more fortitude and examples then maybe we can help you with a better answer OK?  America will wake up when we get the politicians who have been in office forever and have a restriction on how long you can be a politician as they did with the President after FDR ran for three terms and probably would have done more but he died and Truman took over..  Good luck Grant M in Pennsylvania

  6. Decode this lyrics " I started the joke"

    Sound they were quite awake with all the noise of the click-clacks going on out there.

    Some even jingling the bell all the way to X'mas.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  7. when bush isnt our president!

  8. Bush is not a liberal, and I doubt if 2008 will make a dif.  as an American I am outraged by what is happening in our govt.  at this stage there's not much that can be done.  as a nation we are not united on anything.

  9. They probably won't.  It's like boiling a frog.  You start him out in cold water and he doesn't notice the heat until it's too late.

  10. Like lobsters languishing in a pot of lukewarm water, we will not start screaming in agony over our own apathy until the water begins to boil over. Then it will be too late. We'll all be living under the rule of a totalitarian dictatorship.  -RKO-  10/07/07

  11. When we elected the former "flower Children" of the '60s who think that everyone has the right to be heard and tolerated regardless of their motives.  A good example of that is the whole illegal Mexican immigrant crisis we are smack dab in the middle of, another example is NAFTA-we are getting nothing, not even a kiss out of this deal BUT Canada and Mexico have sweetheart deals.  The American public is getting tired of the way we are pushed aside while everyone else gets ahead, a wise person in elected office would do well to remember who put them there.  There will be h**l to pay come next election.  I expect a lot of nice new faces.

  12. You know, if you go to your libary, you can find people asking the same exact question all the way back when Thomas jefferson was our 2nd (!) President.

    So either America has spent the last 200+ years asleep, or has actually been doing OK by having devised the system it has :)

    Which do you think it is?

  13. America has corruption but it has the least corruption. Shocking isn't it?

  14. Corruption is everyplace. I am not sure that we have more of it or that we are just reporting more of it to the public.

  15. The corruptness of the world has gone further than the liberals are doing it, or the conservatives are doing it. If anything what needs to happen is a President needs to be elected who actually thinks in terms of impacting the world as a whole and not impressing the politically inept masses. If you want an example, George Bush has denied obvious scientific fact in the case of global warming; one reason was that right wing conservatives don't believe in it. On the flip side, Ted Kennedy hasn't left Massachusetts or been sober for long enough to actually do anything politically correct.

    Every party is corrupt because as a whole, people are stupid, lazy, and ignorant. If this world is truly to get better it is going to take a lot of people with a lot of real college degrees who can understand what needs to be done.

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