
When a camcorder can shoot still images, how good is the picture quality?

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I have a Fuji F10 digital camera, which in my opinion takes great pictures. If I purchase a camcorder that can also take still images, will the quality of those still images even come close to my Fuji?




  1. From what I have seen with my Samsung DVD Camcorder, not good at all.  Use digital camera, even the low end ones will fare much better.

  2. not really the best picture i have seen is using a canon hd camcorder which costs 2,200 pounds sterling. and even still the picture was a little blurry and distorted. maybe buy a mintiture video camera like some that vivitar have or buy a seperate video camera

  3. The auto settings on a camcorder are for 1/30 sec shutter which is what is used for video. also the CCDs are optimized for 480x720 images. That is not a "square" pixel size, so the still image has to be interpolated to get 480x640. Most videocameras are not easy to set manual adjustments that you take for granted on a still camera. And then there is the flash, most camcorders don't have them. So it is not likely you would be able to find a camcorder that ever makes a picture as good as the Fuji.

  4. Normally, digital cameras would shoot stills much better than  vcam as these are really designed for pictures.

    In like manner, a camcorder would definitely record much better videos than a digicam... that's what they are designed to do.

    So, if you won't compromise on quality, you will have to have both.

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