
When can i get pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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when is the best way to get pregnant? My ahusband and I are trying for a child ut we don't know when the best time is. I always thought it was a few days before your period but i'm not sure. Please help us!! Thanks!




  1. If your periods are regular, go on a website online that will track your ovulation days.

    That's the peak time to get pregnant.

    Good luck!

  2. I would have to agree with the person who just comment first...Everything he said is right... What I do is i track my periods and ovulation too... I go to

    and sign up... it will ask you to input your last period and it will help you track you periods and when you ovulate...I have been using it for a couple of months now, But i know my luck will come soon =)

    But try to relaxes it going to be hard cause you feel like you are doing everything on what you need to have a baby....Do the things you normally do...But easy on the drinking a few wont hurt and if you drink coffee easy on that too!!! Maybe one cup a day and drink water, And take vitimus too...either prenatal pills or regular vitimus are good but i take prenatal pills =)....

    Anyways i wish you the best of LUCK and don't give up if it doesn't on that months you are TTC....It will happen just enjoy have s*x with the hubbie =) LOL....Hope this Info help you....

    And let you doctor know you are trying to have a babyy he might be able to let you know if you are in good condition to have a babyy. Its taken me 2 years but my reason for that is i was on th DE-PO it take time for it to clear out of my system...

    But that another story =)


  3. It takes time. If you are over the age of 30 you should see your doctor. If younger than 30 you'll have to wait a year before your doctor will do testing. Make sure you are doing everything right.

    Having s*x 1-2 days before ovulation..ovulation day..and 2 days after just in case.

    Always have your husband on top.

    Prop a pillow under your butt and keep your hips elevated after s*x for 20 minutes. That helps to keep it in you.

    Don't drink. It cuts your chances in half.

    Don't smoke or do drugs. Smoking also cuts the chances in half. Even if he smokes.

    RELAX and don't stress out!!!

    It might take awhile but someday it will be your turn!! Good Luck!!

  4. its when you ovulate, the ovulation calanders on line dont work, the best thing to do is have s*x two to 3 days apart, the egg only lasts for 72 hours. sperm can last between 3 and 7 days. Also LAY DOWN, after you have s*x dont run to the bathroom to go, Lay flat on your back with your hips elevated slightly to help gravity put things where they need to,I conceived the week before my cycle was to start., GL and baby dust

  5. No, a few days before your period is much too late.

    Most women ovulate about 14 days (12-16 days) before their next period.  You can get pregant from s*x 3-5 days before ovulation.  So, do your calculations, based on your own cycles, and 'try' a few times during your fertile window. (From 3 days before the earliest possible day of ovulation, until the day OF ovulation.

    Or you could use ovulation predictor kits (or chart your basal body temperature) to get a better picture of exactly when YOU ovulate.

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