
When did God start caring?

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I mean... God came down to Earth as Jesus and Sacrifice himself to forgive all sins. Why? He is God. Couldn't he just wave his wand and went bam, all sins forgiven. And why wasn't our sins forgiven in the first place? Isn't he a all loving God that should know our future lives already? Did God create sin with the snake in the garden of eden?




  1. He gave Adam and Eve one rule: to not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They disobeyed, thus, they sinned. It was part of His Plan to send His Son to die for us.  

  2. If God really cared,

    God would never have sent the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus down to earth.

    and everyone would look like Orlando bloom.

  3. That was like...hmmmm...never

  4. First you must consider that God and Jesus two are separate people. God is the Father and Jesus is his Son. The reason there had to be a sacrifice is because mercy cannot rob justice. People do horrible things everyday. Someone has to pay for the mistakes we make. Same principle applies in the world today- someone commits a crime they must be tried and sent to jail. Jesus accepted our punishments if we would repent and try to do better. Also God said no unclean thing can be where he is, thus something must occur to clean us. Jesus' sacrifice did this, it cleaned us.

    Our sins aren't forgiven automatically because we would never learn. I know I wouldn't. I need the knowledge that there will be consequences if I keep making bad choices.

    As for the snake in the garden: In the world we lived in prior to this one God held a counsel and wanted us all to come to Earth and gain bodies and experience (make mistakes and learn- hence the need for Jesus' Resurrection). Satan wanted us all to loose our ability to make choices, he wanted to force us to be perfect. In return for accepting Satans plan we all would worship him. God and Jesus had the plan to let us make our own mistakes, and a redeemer to help us when we failed. As punishment for trying to take Gods Glory Satan and those who followed his plan did not get the chance to receive a body. The snake was Satan tempting Eve because he was jealous of her ability to gain a body and wanted her to be miserable, like he is.

  5. God works through covanents. Everyone he made a promise to, he also made a covanent. Typically covanents are sacrifices.  

  6. Some times religion makes up stories that back-fire. If God created Adam & Eve, why did he need the Virgin Mary?

  7. First God did not come to earth in the form of Jesus they are two separate people Jesus was created God always was and will be. To try to answer your question without being lengthy he could have used a wand but he choose a better method because of Adam and Eve transgression they being our first parents inevitably passed sinned along to all so we all have inherited sin Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It started in Genesis 3:1-7 which talks about the first rebellion against God, the first sin entered into the world satan deceived Eve it was the way he did it by using the snake as a vantriloquist  verse 5 for God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God knowing good and bad so in essence he implanted the idea that man was better off without God provision he was challenging God's way of ruling saying God is a bad ruler, he tells lies and holds back good things from his subjects. Humans do not need to have God ruling over them they can decide for themselves what is good and what is bad and they will be better off under his (satan) rulership so he could have waved his wand in place but that wouldn't have answerd satan's challenge it would not have proved that God's way of ruling is right  God's perfect sense of justice would not allow him to put Adam and Eve to death right away he decided that time was needed to answer satan's challenge in a satisfying way and to prove that the devil is a liar so God permit humans to rule themselves for some time under Satan's influence

    Our sins wasn't automatically forgiven because our first parents being perfect willfully sinned Romans 5:12 Just as through one man sinned enter the world and death through sin and thus death spead to all men  because they all had sinned. God provided us with the ranson-a ranson is the price paid to bring about a release or to buy something back example price paid to bring about a release  of a prisoner that price covers or pays the cost of something similar to the price paid to cover the damages caused by an injury. Since a perfect human life was lost no imperfect human life could buy it back only Jesus.

  8. first of all God didn't come down here to earth it was Gods son Jesus, they are 2 different people (John 17:3) and yes God has the power to do whatever he desires , and if he wants to he can choose to see our futures But only if he wants to, but he chooses not to, so NO, he didn't know that Adam and Eve where going to be disobedient,God didn't make us like robots, he gave us freewill to decide if we want to serve him or not, There is a big Difference between permitting and making something happen. God is not to be blame for the wrong choices humans are making, he is only permitting, so man can understand they can't rule themselves, BUT that doesn't mean he doesn't love us , because pretty soon all the evil is going to end, God has his chosen day, (Revelation 21:4) "Evildoers themselves will be cut off, but those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth."—Psalm 37:9."It is righteous on God's part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength."—2 Thessalonians 1:6-9.

    "The world [of wicked mankind] is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever."—1 John 2:17.

  9. He always cared about us. He loves us very much. He suffered on a cross for us! If you can not see that than, keep looking.

  10. By the looks of his creation, I don't think he ever cared.

  11. He never stopped, He has always cared before anyone or anything he ever created.. Join A Bible class to study with.

  12. is there a God to care?

  13. You must have actually read the bible....good for you.

  14. Something had to be sacrificed. Before then God had his people sacrifice animals. Basically, Jesus carried everything and died for everyone so that God didn't have to kill everyone for sinning. Just my view on it.

  15. Sounds good on the surface, but life's a lot deeper than that!

    (Your description of forgiveness sounds like something from a chemist's lab.)

    1. Jesus is *not* God, but rather, God's son.

    Mankind's Release From Death

    Is Jesus Christ God?

    2. There are issues involved that must be handled responsibly to have a satisfying & effective / long-lasting outcome.

    Why God Has Permitted Suffering

    - The Issue of Universal Sovereignty

    - Rebellion of Spirit Creatures

    - Two Issues

    3. God does not control his creatures.

    Satan (which means 'resister') chose to Resist God, himself.

    The Wonderful Gift of Free Will...

  16. Man, but God is dumb.

    He's like a 4-year old playing some idiotic game in the mud, screaming out new rules every ten seconds, without ever thinking through the actual consequences of his stupid rules. It's almost like the whole thing was written by a couple of dumb stone-age shepherds high on mushrooms.

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