
When did i ovulate this month??? ?

by  |  earlier

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hi i had unprotected s*x this past sat 16 which was the 21st day of my cicle since my last period was on august 26, i just stopped the pilss on june and went all july and now august without it, when i was on pills till june my cicle used to be about 28 or 29 days but since i stopped it came on july after 39 days, i know stopping pills can mess up my cicle reason why my period on july was so late, so i dont know how my cicle this month is gonna be, if it was back to normal with 28 days, i am suppoused to be having my period this sat 23 and i had unprotected s*x on sat 16 so is there any chance i could have gotten pregnant even though my ovulation day would have been on the 9??? but if my cicle is mess up still and i have it again after 39 days i might be getting it by september 3, so when would i've been ovulating in this cicle i think it should have been by the 19 or 20 so then is pretty close to when i had s*x, please any answears will be aprecciated, has anyone gotten pregnant even past ovulation day??? i know we should have used protection, we have been on pills and condoms all the time we have been together but we had an accident, plus he ... on me, we are not ready for a baby right now, although i would be happy to have a baby with him, he is a wonderful person and i kjnow he will love the baby too but is just not the right time, whatever happens i am keeping my baby, i could have taken plan b since i got it for free in planned parenthood months ago, but i just couldnt take it not being sure i could have conceived already and he wasnt sure if he wanted me to take it or no and he ended up asking me not to do it either. Thanks in advance!

PS. I posted this question on pregnancy question as well, i just wanted to hear opinions of women in trying to conceive as well since they've been trying to conceive and might have more experience while conceiving and in which days




  1. you usually ovulate around 14 day before you next period.

    the egg will only survive between 8 - 24 after your ovulation .. so it might have a good chance of NOT being pregnant... if your ovulation date is correct. You can also take an early pregnancy up to 5 days prior to your next body.

    it takes most women about 3 months after stopping taking birth control to have normal/regular cycles. your cycle is probably out of whack a bit.

    from reading... i would think you are not pregnant but the best way to tell early on is to get blood work done to check your HCG level which start to show as soon as implementation as occured.

    hope this helps you!!!

  2. Most women ovulate midway through their cycle but the trouble is that every woman is different and some of us ovulate early in the cycle or late in the cycle, and a few even ovulate during their period.  A lot of things can muck up your cycle, for example stress, excessive exercise, radical changes to diet, illness, sickness and drugs (in your case, stopping your pills).  The easiest way to rest your mind is to go out and get yourself a pregnancy test.

    If you are pregnant, then it isn't the end of the world.  It might not be "planned" but then what in life really is planned?  The thing is, with any contraception method there is a risk of pregnancy.  The important thing is that you have done this with someone who seems to be the right person.  This situation is not all of your own making - he has a part to play too and it sounds like he is the kind of person who will step up to the plate and take responsibility for his actions.  

    But a bit more on cycles, for future reference:  

    The only way to be really sure of when you are ovulating is to look at your cycle and take note of vaginal excretions (ie mucous).  You know that some times during the month you might feel quite damp and other times dry.  The dry times are usually infertile periods, and a mucous that resembles egg white in texture and colour is indicative of a fertile period. You can get pregnant if you have s*x 3 days before to 3 days after ovulation.  Sperm can survive up to 3 days (although theory has it that these are mostly the girl swimmers) and then the egg takes about 3 days to travel down to where it implants or not, depending on if it is fertile.

    Go to to have a look at how to track your cycle to tell when you are fertile or not.  When done properly, this method can be used to plan your pregnancies.  I have a lot of children (5) but each one of them was planned.  I became fertile again while I was breastfeeding each time, but I knew when I was fertile because I followed this method, and I used it to space out my children.  OK, so I didn't put much space between them (18 months on average) but that is because I started in my 30s and we wanted a big family.

    There is a very real chance that you could be pregnant.

  3. I went through alot! Pills,Ovulation test,watching the calendar,Taking my temp!!! I tried for 3 years!!! My friend gave me this advice and I got pregnant in 3 months after trying it the way she told me!!

    Remember you ovulate 14-16 days before you start your period. The time to have s*x to get pregnant is when you are very wet,slippery,and stretchy down there,alot of women's right or left side will hurt when the egg is released. You need to have s*x atleast two or three times the week of ovulation to get preganant.*****VERY IMPORTANT! Stay laying down 30-45 minutes after s*x DO NOT GET UP AT ALL.WAIT TO PEE!!! *****It takes 30-45 minutes for the sperm to reach the egg to fertilize it.Hope this helps!!:) Good luck

    It took me three years of trying and I got this advice from a friend and I got pregnant in two months after I took her advice:)

    LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!! :) It does work!

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