
When do the tears stop falling?

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When do the tears stop falling?




  1. shut up ya little baby

  2. when you take your mind of what is making the tears fall.

  3. when u 4get wot u were crying about in the first place or u think that woteva u were crying about is now dumb 2 cry about if that makes sense!!!:)

  4. When u stop crying !!

  5. as soon as you snap into reality and realize crying doesn't solve any problem it just prolongs the pain

  6. when you gain control of yourself

  7. Not sure what answer you want as this is in Entertainment & Music > Radio.

    Anyway, people need to go through the process below, in any order they like, just so long as acceptance is the last one...then the tears should stop.

    Denial (this isn't happening to me!)

    Anger (why is this happening to me?)

    Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)

    Depression (I don't care anymore)

    Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)

  8. When you stop listening to sad songs and finish crying

  9. when your body is too tired to cry anymore, give it about an hour.

  10. until you do somthing that keeps them off your mind.

  11. When emo's stop BAWWWing.

  12. let them fall..ull feel better after ur done crying, tears will stop falling on their own...

  13. hi sweetie when your friends rally round come her babes big HUGGG

  14. when you feel relief

  15. When you let a friend and/or sister cry the tears for you.

    I love you sis! You don't have to do this alone, you have friends who love and care about you! hugs!

  16. When you go through all of the stages of grief. When you suffer any kind of loss you grieve. Stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Hang in there, this too, shall pass.

  17. We are all here for you, let us dry your tears sweetie. There is that better. Big Hug

  18. they stop falling when ur done crying

  19. When you wipe the tears away with your tissue...Here's a puffs on me!  :)

  20. when you come to terms that eveything happens for a reason even if us being selfish dont want to accept it. that or you dehydrate.

  21. You have to let your heart decide that! Just let it all out, dont hold back, crying is healthy!

  22. How about when you stop crying, duh.

  23. as soon as you teach them to roll gracefully over your cheek without smearing your mascara.

    haven't mastered that one, yet



  24. whn you feel relif, when your body is tierd when your not sad anymore

    if this is about you then i hope u feel better...

    if its just random then lol

  25. the tears stop falling after you're finished crying your river, and then you build a bridge, and get over it!

  26. HUH?

  27. If you're me, never...........

  28. After your dead. You will always have different kinds of tears. Tears of joy, tears of sadness, they are always going to play a part of your life. Hopefully after you've crossed over, they will all be tears of joy. Tears of sadness sucks!

  29. when you accept it and move on

  30. That depends on why they are falling. Care to tell us so we can help?

  31. when u r about to cry there's a hormone which puts pressure on tear glands and finally u cry. after smtime when the level of hormone reduces thn tears to stop cming out.

    (.) (.)


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