
When does reflux usually stop? ?

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My baby has been on reflux medicine since he was 2 weeks old. I am wondering how old babies usually are when they stop refluxing.




  1. when they spend more time upright and walking.

    my son slowed down on his reflux about 9 months, stopped by about a year.

    when they are crawling, it can get worse, as they are laying down a lot.

  2. Our baby had acid reflux too, not fun!!!  We chose not to medicate so stuck it out.  Her symptoms got better at about 5.5 months.  The "books" say that GER typically disappears by 7 months.  Hang in there!

  3. Yup my 4month old has it too, been on Zantac since July 1st...I too don't want to give it to him everyday, but it has totally helped!!!

    I've read different things about how long...but how do we know they no longer have it if we don't take them off the meds to see?? Very frustrating I know!!!

  4. Hi, I know how you feel. Out little one is 4 months old and also has reflux. The medicine works wonders but I also would rather not be giving it to her for a long time. Depending on where you read up on it people say it can last anything from 6 months to as far as 18 months. I certainly hope ours don't suffer for that long. I hope this helps.


    How long does GER last?

    Symptomatic GER usually starts between two to four weeks of age, peaks around four months of age and begins to subside around seven months of age, when babies begin spending most of their days upright, start solid foods and by the law of gravity, food stays down easier. Most infants will outgrow GER by one year of age – I call this "walking away from GER." Yet, in some children, GER continues throughout childhood, and sometimes into adulthood, where it is manifested more by "heartburn" and "wheezing" episodes.

    How common is GER?

    In the early months, around two-thirds of all babies have some degree of GER, which accounts for the frequent spitting up that most babies have. The spitting up does not usually bother these babies, dubbed "happy spitters." It is not painful, does not slow weight gain, and is more of a laundry problem than a medical one. GER becomes a problem (called GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) when it causes painful irritation or damage to the esophagus, interferes with growth and development, interferes with feeding and sleeping, and/or contributes to respiratory problems.

    A few statistics (for all babies, not just breastfed babies):

        * Spitting up usually occurs right after baby eats, but it may also occur 1-2 hours after a feeding.

        * Half of all 0-3 month old babies spit up at least once per day.

        * Spitting up usually peaks at 2-4 months.

        * Many babies outgrow spitting up by 7-8 months.

        * Most babies have stopped spitting up by 12 months.

    If your baby is a ‘Happy Spitter’ --gaining weight well, spitting up without discomfort and content most of the time -- spitting up is a laundry & social problem rather than a medical issue.

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