
When i'm angry i hear . . .

by  |  earlier

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voices in my head, like a crowd of people, but i can't actually hear what they are all saying.

When i've had an argument of am feeling really angry, my head thumps and i hear them

they get on my nerves because its really loud and makes me feel dizzy and it clouds my head..

I'm 16, but have been through quite a lot of stuff and have been subjected to a lot of physical and mental abuse since i've been young..

I saw a phsycologist about it about 2 years ago, and i had all the scans and they said i was ok, but does anyone have an idea about what it is as it's becoming a pretty big problem for me.

Only helpful comments please.






  1. You have been thru a lot and this is just your body's way of coping with all of your trauma.  You should not have to go thru this - you have gone thru enough pain in your life.  Please go and seek help this seems to be a psychiatric disorder.

  2. Well tests usually indicate problems such as chemical imbalances and psychotic disorders. If your hearing voices like this, you should probably see a doctor though and let him know whats going on with you. he may put you on a low dose of an anti depressant and psychotic. also, check for local Anger management meetings. i have a horrible anger problem and theey helped some :)

  3. imaginary friend? Jesus?

  4. you should go see a psychiatrist

  5. You need to see another doctor it sounds like you many be a good candidate for anti depressants and or anti psychotic medicines. I hope things get better for you.

  6. go to doctor  

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