
When should we forgo Democracy?

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Well, here the AGW fanatics are finally admitting to their end goal. An authoritarian form of government is their answer to AGW. We knew this was coming. The actual reason for the AGW myth, socialism.




  1. i hope you understand that you are just as loony as these left-wingers who think bush blew up the wtc.

  2. As a political junkis and military member. Remember, the most violent societies against thier own people and others were the socialist secular nations. n**i Germany where all religions were banned. The former Soviet Union

    also banned faith and murdered an estimated thirty million people. The Peoples Republic of China from the slaughter of the Mongolians today to the tens of millions since Chairman Moa. Communist Pol Pot of VietNam masacered millions in Cambodia,Loas,Burma thru the Khmer Rouge.No two democracies had EVER gone to war against each other. Providing a democracy is born in the middle east, it will spread to a more stabilizing region. In the 1940's many said democracy in Germany and Japan was not possible. In the 1950's they said India could not become a democracy. We now have more democracies than ever, over 120 . America is a representative republic built on democratic foundations dating back to Plato and Virgil's debates of ancient Greece. As a former liberal Democrat in my youth, I evolved and understand the reality of the world better now. conservative mind with a liberal heart is my self actuation.

  3. Of course you are correct, AGW is just a means to establishing tyranny.  It could be anything as long as people can be blamed for it.  Even though we are in far greater danger from a large meteor hit, something that has actually happened before, there is nothing to blame on corporations or the rich, so we go with this idea that CO2 is a pollutant.  Algore gets away with this malevolent fantasy because we have been free so long that we have no cultural memory of what it is like to live under a tyranny.  As C.S. Lewis put it, of all the tyrannies that may be exercised the worst is when they do it for our own good, they will torment us without end because they do so with the approval of their conscience.

  4. whats with all this AGW fanatic stuff? it's gotten worse and worse and worse over the years and now environmentalism is regarded as some kind of loony whacko terrorist cult.

    "hurry! we have the stop the whackjob greenie liberals before we actually get solar energy!!"

    why don't we just skip it all and nuke the planet clean of life. just kill everything, thats what people want to do so d**n bad eh?

  5. Democracy was foregone when Republican thugs stopped the Florida recount.

  6. of course. lets drum up hate of AGW by drumming up hate of commies.

  7. When, I thought we already had with all these years of the Bush Dictatorship.

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