
When the world will end?

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When the world will end?




  1. The world (to be more precise, the conscious world) as we percieve it has no begining and no end.

  2. Near future.

  3. actually its supposed to end in 2012.cheerful prospect,eh?

  4. when the guf has released its last soul

  5. Why are u asking this ques.U want to save urself.O.K When it will be going to end I'll tell jst 1 min before it ends Save urself...............

  6. It ends on the day you die.

  7. when blows up it.

  8. well maybe when temprature will rise very much that it will be dificult for people to live due to global warming .  

  9. Well, bubbly, if you want an answer from the spiritual perspective, it will be still many yugas.  This is in Bhagavatam-- I'm not being specific because I don't remember numbers that well, but I truly suggest that you ask someone who knows Bhagavatam these type of questions.

    In human perspective, I'd say tomorrow.  I don't have to be right, right?  Humans can't predict the future.

  10. Only Allah who knows.

    For everybody the world relatively ends by his death.

  11. When does a cycle end?

    When will the day end? When it becomes night. When does the night end? When it becomes day. When does this cycle end?

    Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

  12. it doesn't depend on when u die or god comes on earth ,etc.i believe there is an almighty god who is one and he is the builder of this whole world and only he can decide when will this world (which is our exam) end.God never comes on earth.according to muslims mythology,when there will be only corrupt people whether they r muslims or not because those muslims are of only calling but they r not real muslims.And the end of this world is called KAYAMAT.    

  13. probably, when, we people want so to happen.

  14. The sun doesn't blow up. It will run out of hydrogen in the next three billion years or so. This means it will depend on helium, and the sun will expand to a red giant. If the red giant reaches the Earth, it will as good as disappear. If it doesn't, the Earth will be left, but the oceans will evaporate and nothing will be left on it.

    After that, when it runs out of hydrogen and can't build the heat back up, the sun will diminish to a white dwarf, which won't be much bigger than the Earth itself. A white dwarf is pretty much a cinder (it will potentially cool into a black dwarf, but this hasn't been observed, and is only theoretical). The Earth will be left as a dry, lifeless rock, floating around in the orbit of our galaxy, held in place by gravity.

  15. The world will not end .It will go on like that for years and years.Global warming technology.Days and Night will come and go.Week will come and go.Years will come and go.It will create one yuga.

  16. dude thats gonna be in a long time, you dont have to worry about that now.

  17. When God come to the world

  18. we dont know wen will end

    wen god wants it will end

    in my religion it is said wen sin on this earth across it limits then it will  end

    now we r seein the sign of earth being finished example tsunami

  19. the WORLD will end when our son blows up..another 2 or 3 billion years..

  20. Bubbly! Why to worry for tomorrow? live in present. Enjoy the life. Share happiness with others and be happy! Present is called gift. Accept it and be happy.

  21. 2012

  22. when human act as he is superior then nature that is the lost

  23. world is not going to end so soon at least not during next generation life time . enjoy stop worring . for an inividual world is finished the moment he is finished so take care of ur health .

  24. when it ends it ends,

    maybe tomorrow or maybe 300 years from now.... however can we guess?

  25. a long time after man does

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