
When using a ouija board?

by  |  earlier

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How do you define the meduim before you start?

Oh and don't say things like "don't do it"

you're wasting your time cause we're doing it despite what you think (x




  1. Isn't it made by Parker Brothers?

  2. You pick the person to lay there hands on the "game" piece first. Have fun with it but make sure you have good thoughts and energy flowing.Also that might not be the right person sometimes it chooses its own medium.

  3. Im going to say dont do it, even although you have asked for people not to say it!

    My reason for saying this is that you cant predict the way you will react to something happening.  I was part of one that went on for 3 hours, once you start it you cant stop it, you have to wait for the spirit energy to finish it.  And in that 3 hours there was no information that made any sense to us, I thought I could get in contact with my father to say hello. The spirit we got was not known to the group and it really wasnt worth the effort!

    It was the days and weeks that followed that was the worst bit, I think the events of that night gave me an anxiety disorder that I actually needed medical treatment for. I was jumpy, on edge, nightmares every night and pretty much scared for a long time and this was not by choice. I was telling myself there was nothing to be scared of, Im only just getting back to normal now!

    If you want to get in contact with a loved one who has passed, go to a spiritualist church ot a phsycic.

  4. godluck, those thing intrest me but i would never in the world be a pt of onne or even bee in a mile or where one is being done, them dope boys say yeaaaaaaaaaaa, yeaaaaaaaaaa, yeaaaaaaaaa ooo yeaaaaaaaaaaa

  5. ooh its fun :)

    just choose someone fit for the job. don't pick someone with a mental illness or a weak minded person or someone who is just gonna mess around. pick someone who wont get scared too much or something :)

    good luck. hope you don't get possessed by evil demons =P

  6. Loads of my friends have done it and we just kinder picked first thing who was gonna be the medium, so its your choice.

    i wont tell you not to do it lol, but be carefull where you are doing it, because when i did it and i know ALOT of people that has done it, and the same thing happend.. the house got abit wrecked, so if its your house then well.. i'd maby reconsider and go sit in a local park or something lol, because 'they' say that it releases all the spirits into your home and thats why it gets messed up. Like one of my friends done it and all stuff happend and then like he went out with friends aftarwards and when he got back chairs where over and all **** so yeah be carefull :)

    good luckk.

    Oh and btw if you dont get many answers then maby put your question in another section? because i dont think a ouija board is realy a board game Lmao its more the occoult.

  7. When doing a ouija board I usually ask if there is anyone in the room who would like to take the responsibilities of being in charge (medium). This usually makes the weaker people go well i don't want to. then the stronger person of the weaker who you all trust is usually the best one to do it because they are to scared to make stuff up. Never put someone cocky or a leader in charge there energy alone will make things happen. also always say a prayer holding hands together at the start and end. Don't start laughing and giggling you will just annoy the spirits. Good luck.

  8. We always took turns and yes it should be under board games.  When Ouija came out it was just for entertainment just like nay other board game.  Be careful on what you ask and what you believe from the board also.

  9. in my experience it doesnt really matter because the spirit spells out the answers but you will usually find someone feels it through their bodies more than the others good luck and be careful

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