
When we die do you think...?

by Guest60003  |  earlier

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do you think we will learn all of the world's mysteries or at least some?




  1. I do not believe we will learn

    I believe we will remember

    I believe that threw mass conscience  and our true self

    that we are  spiritual beings having a human experience

    not human beings having a spiritual experience

    Our spirits are free  with out body

    We understand that we are free    however we do not understand what freedom  is    

    so we  come here (  and other places  )

    to experience what freedom is not

    We have the knowledge   now we seek the experience

    Therefore  we will  not learn from the worlds mysteries at death

    We will recall celestial realms  

  2. true fully, no

    but i hope so

  3. I believe in reincarnation.

    So, I believe we get the opportunity to expand our knowledge. I don't think it is necessarily given to us. But some knowledge must be inherent to the experience of death.  

  4. does the world hold any mysteries?

  5. some, but maybe not all

  6. no we wont. when u die (if u live in western society) they will embalm u, and cremate or bury your body and then the bugs that live inside your body will eat u from the inside out and your skeleton will eventually be the only thing left of u. thats it nothing more. dont over think it.

  7. Mysteries???? We need to go thru LIFE to know all the mysteries we have to solve!!! You see .... dieing before your time is right is like pretending to find an answer to a question you don´t know yet.

    Economics have ups and downs, stock market have ups and downs, so do life. You just have to hold on tight and wait till better times arrives. That's what´s life is all about.... knowing the future will be better than today. Some folks call it HOPE!

  8. None,we no nothing and become part of everything,okay,at the point of death as we cross from the living to the dead what we truly believe is where we end up.

  9. yes, of course

  10. Some- just like here- not everyone is ready for everything

  11. some believe that we will become part of a cosmic mind. you will have access to all knowledge and eternity to study it.

  12. Aren't you a little Indiana Jones. No when we die we turn to dust duhhhhh. We also see the 7th bright star from the black circle dot dot......I just think your thinking much.

  13. When you die, who will be there to learn mysteries? It is a mystery whether a soul that thinks survives death, or not. There may be no one to find out.

    But you can definitely learn some things while you are here. Don't wait :-)

  14. I hope so, I have quite a few questions I want answered.

  15. I beleive that come judgment day, and you stand before god, that all your questions will be answered, all your sins shown, and your good deeds and sufferings... all will be answered....

    not to preach... but what would you say to god about your life?.... <the mini movie>  

    find Jesus and you'll find he was looking for you....

  16. Highly unlikely :/

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