
When will Antarctica melt??

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how high will the water level rise when it is melted and what date and year will it completely melt??????????????




  1. Antartica will welt in Future. As temprature is rising on earth because of more green house effect. The main root of this is pollution.

  2. if we continure to live the lifestyles we are all living and continue to omit as much CO2 in the atmosphere as we do, the water level will significantly rise over the next 100 years.

    I don't know the date and year it will melt completly, i'm not sure many people do, especially because its very unpredictable.

    But if the water level does rise, Manhatten will be underwater, PEI will be gone, and alot of the southern USA will be gone. Its a real problem.

    Go rent the movie 'An Inconveinent Truth' its a really good movie, and it talks about the water levels rising, and the polar ice caps melting. I'm sure it has better awnsers than i do.

    hope i helped :]

  3. It won't melt.  Antarctica is a continent.  Are you asking when the ice covering Antarctica will melt?  If that is what you are asking, then the answer depends upon whom you ask because there is controversy on that topic.  Even if everyone agreed that all of the ice would melt, it would not be possible to give an answer that is as precise as you want.

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