
When will UPS deliver my phone?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered a new cell phone from on thursday and paid for overnight delivery. it was shipped on friday. today is saturday and it's almost 7pm eastern time. when will my freaking phone get here?!




  1. I thought UPS only delivers on business days. Mon-Fri?

  2. You cant count weekends,so if it was shipped friday you should receive it monday.

  3. You should be asking the company you ordered it from and also UPS.  

  4. you can call the customer service and act very angry. You may have them apologies.

  5. Monday. They usually go by business days Mon-Fri not weekends.

  6. i say that it going to be on monday cause it Usually it ships in 24 hours so it shipped today that means its going to be monday that always happens

  7. With your order from you shouldve gotten an ID or Tracking number for your order. Then you can go to and enter in the tracking number. It will tell you where it has been. Where it is now. And when the estimated delivery will be.

  8. UPS doesn't deliver on Saturdays unless you specifically pay for Saturday delivery, which is different from overnight.  So, it will get there Monday.

  9. maybe like a week or two

  10. over night deivery genrally only applies to WORKIN DAYS, as its the weekend you might only get it on monday. hope you get it soon!

  11. Call 1800 pick ups or track it online. Now you owe me 10 point for the best answer.

  12. You should have it by nine clock if you don`t call or check on the web for the tracking number and find out where it is

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