
When will gas prices start dropping ?

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When will gas prices start dropping ?




  1. Not any time soon.

  2. When we stop buying gas guzzling SUVs, buy hybrids, start riding mass transit more, car pool, and doing other things to reduce the demand for gasoline.

    When we start drilling for oil in ANWAR Alaska and drilling more offshore oil wells

    When we demand that the car companies make more low mileage cars by buying more of them

  3. LoL.. haa haa, sorry...hee hee... your question was hilarious! Seriously though, it may go back down 15 to 20 cents, but it will not dip below $3.00 ever again. It is still rising and probably to $4.00 by mid to end of the summer.

  4. as long as ppl keep buying vehicles that suck up the gas why would they drop the prices? People are stupid enough to still buy gas sucking trucks etc so obviously they have the money to blow on fuel... No matter how expensive it gets. Ya I get that some people "need" a truck but seriously think about it! Besides people don't really complain much about the high gas prices, so why would anything change besides gas going up and up... Maybe more people should be complaining and raising a fuss then keeping their mouths shut... We all have a say but does anyone have the balls to speak their mind... NO

    Sorry bout that little rant but it's a hot topic these days lol


    and as for "oil demand" its just another way of raking in the cash! I live in Canada and we have oil coming out of our ying yangs and yet we still pay way too much for gas! It's a money making sceme and that's there's to it, just some people just believe whatever they hear from the politicians etc....

  5. Never.

  6. When demand for oil drops.  Which I honestly don't expect to be anytime soon.

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