
When would you cut back clematis?

by  |  earlier

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they have flowered in june/july and looking untidy now, when should I cut them back




  1. I've cut back mine all through the summer as they really just went wild.

    Must have been all the rain.

    It hasn't done them any harm and in fact they still have some flowers.

  2. old saying,if it flowers before june prune,you can cut them back anytime after they have flowered

  3. I hacked mine back after it had flowered

    Just remember that clematis flowers on last years growth

  4. There are 3 types of clematis, all with different pruning requirements:

    Spring Bloomers

        * Spring blooming clematis flower on last year’s growth. Prune them back as soon as they finish blooming in the spring and they will have the whole season to put on new growth and set buds for next year.

        * You can prune vigorous growers almost back to the ground if that suits your purpose, but it’s not necessary.

        * Slower growers should be treated more cautiously, pruning just enough to shape the plant or to keep it in bounds.

        * If there is very old wood on the plant, avoid cutting into it, since it is less likely to resprout. That’s another good reason to prune your vines regularly.

    Summer and Fall Bloomers

        * Summer and fall bloomers flower on the current seasons growth. You don’t have to prune summer and fall bloomers at all, but they will continue to grow, probably becoming tangled into a mess, and flowering will eventually diminish some.

        * Pruning seems beneficial and should be done either while dormant or when just waking out of dormancy.

        * You could hack clematis in this category back to about 12 inches, if necessary. Something like Sweet Autumn clematis (C. terniflora), that will reach out and swallow the rest of your garden, will benefit from this drastic pruning.

        * However, if you have a summer or fall bloomer that you would like to remain long, perhaps to cover an arbor or grow through a tree, prune just to a healthy leaf bud.

        * If you’ve been a bit negligent about pruning a summer or fall bloomer and would like to do some remedial pruning, you ay sacrifice some of this year’s blooms, but it should be worth it in the long run.

    Repeat Bloomers.

        * This group is a little tricky. Some clematis bloom profusely in spring and again sporadically later in the season. Others will offer a few blossoms in spring and a better show on newer growth, later in the season. Either way, pruning in whichever season is going to cost a few blooms.

        * The easiest approach is to watch the plant and determine which season offers the best display and then do your pruning accordingly.

              o If spring is the big show, prune after the spring flowers have faded. You will lose some late season bloom, but gain next spring.

              o Conversely, if late season is the show stopper, do you pruning in while dormant or in early spring.

        * Whichever approach you choose, don’t prune these clematis as severely as categories 1 & 2. Treat this pruning more like deadheading or a means to thin out the plant.

  5. As a general rule of thumb you can cut back clematis after the plant has flowered

  6. You can cut them now, just don't take them all the way to the ground..

    They will probably grow some more before frost.  Then when the leaves die, cut them to the ground.  Not all clematis bloom on last years growth.  I cut some almost to the ground earlier this summer, and they are blooming again now.  Not like they did in May, but I have blooms on new growth.

    Good Luck!

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