
When you have added a contact...?

by  |  earlier

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And you have seen a photo of them, are they how you imagined them to look.?




  1. So ... you're not a monkey?

    Oh, flip! Why didn't you flipping well tell me?

    I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in my entire life!

  2. Sometimes they are, yes.

  3. Ha totally the was an ex contact,I imagined her to be good looking and s**y....then I saw her photo on her wrong can someone be,she was totally the opposite.!! lol...!!  

  4. Very rarely.

    I bet you didn't think this is how I go to work :-D

  5. I have seen a picture of one of my contacts and yes that contact looked almost exactly how I had imagined.

  6. No I imagnine them a little bigger.

  7. I have seen a few now and some have seen me..I expect I am less than they thought but it would never bother me..

    The ones I have seen and met have lived up to expectations

  8. Not usually, no..

    And people seem disappointed that I don't actually look like Del boy!

  9. never!!!!!! lol

  10. Noooo, never. Hahaha.

  11. To tell you the truth i am actually a fridge :)

  12. Not at all, I want to get rid of them usually and it really disappointing

  13. I don't judge the accepting of contacts by that criteria. What they look like is totally irrelevant to me...what I care about is any curiosity I may have as to their answers and questions, and if a good percentage of the time they consider things seriously.

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