
When you pre order books??

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Do pay for the book before you receive it or after??




  1. Whenever I pre-ordered a book I had to pay for it before I received it.

  2. before

  3. depends on the store. but you will most likely have to leave a deposit of $5-$10  

  4. USALLY yu have to pay ahead thats wht im told because yu are qhettinq dha book b4 anyone else can read it whole term of pre order not after order

  5. you can do it either way, you can pay before with your credit card, or when they deliver it to your house .

  6. Depends on what store, but pre-order is usually after

  7. its like they reserve the book in ur name and then u go there and pay for it when it arrives  

  8. You pay after,but there's a catch you pay more when you can just go to the store and purchase it,unless you don't have one in your town.

  9. mostly after but sometimes before, depends on  the store

  10. after usually.

  11. If you're talking about pre-ordering from Barnes and Noble, you pay after, just to make sure that the book came in a good condition.

    Sometimes you pre-pay it too.

  12. Yes I do, it just depends on where you get it from. If it is a local store some might want a small deposit up front, to hold you a copy, then you pay the balance when you pick the book up after it is in stock. If it is online a lot of places don't charge you until the item is released and shipped.

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