
Where are Ireland's natural resources?

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I'm doing a project on Ireland and I need to know WHERE are Ireland's natural resources. I know what they are, but I need to know where they are located, maps would be great or links to websites :)




  1. tell me what u consider irelands natural resources are and i'll tell ya where they are. arer u talking bout the bogs, gas feilds, hydro electric stations or what?

  2. Ireland has few natural resources. There is a gas-field off the coast of Kinsale in Co.Cork in the southwest, and another one has recently been discovered at Corrib off the coast of Mayo. There are large peat-deposits at the Burren in Co.Clare. There are also large oil-deposits off Rockall island that are being disputed between Ireland, the UK, Iceland and Denmark though a solution on a carve-up is allegedly closer.

  3. Natural gas, peat, copper, lead, zinc, silver, barite, gypsum, limestone, dolomite

    -from cat

  4. its people

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