
Where can I get a ferret?

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I live in California and it's illegal here, but I already wrote my letter to the government for the license and yea.

where do i buy ferrets? My parents are allowing me to have one for my 17th b-day, but I can't find any ad's in CA.




  1. well i didnt no they were illegal there kinda strange to me but like the one girl said they are sold in most pet stores i just got mine and yeah she sleeps alot but she dont stink that bad and she plays with me and everything so i think it is totaly worth having a ferret so dont listen to that person

  2. I think that ferrets are illegal to own in California, so you might check with the state laws first....   otherwise most pet stores carry ferrets where it is legal to own them.

  3. I often see them at Petco or Petsmart. If you can't find them there try craigslist or a local pet-store.

  4. ferrets smell bad... they sleep all the time and they often wanna be alone.. after a week you get used to their smell but all your friends will start to hate hanging out with you..

    i think ferets are just ment to be wild.

  5. ok. you need to learn something first before getting a ferret. Neutering/spaying and descenting a ferret doesn't make it stop "smelling". Their skin has a natural oil that gives them a musky smell, this oil is essential to their coat. Please do some more reading.

    Also, I doubt they would approve a girl a ferret license in a state that they are illegal in just because "I want a cute ferret".

    They need constant attention, cage cleanings, water changes, proper and EXPENSIVE food, vitamins, nail clippings, combings, can easily get clogged by hairballs, and much more.

    Since they are illegal in CA I doubt anyone sells them in the state, you would have to go out of state. Ferrets cost atleast $130 from a pet store, a decent cage is $150+, plus toys, food, etc.


    If you did your research you would know their SKIN OILS produce the musky smell. Also, majority of them come neutered and spayed. Sounds like an awesome environment for a ferret, looks like it will get a lot of attention with 6 dogs and 30 birds who also need attention. I bet you are so persuasive. Poor ferret..

    And you are so grown up yourself with cussing to defend yourself, really shows your point of view well.

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