
Where can he be...? ?

by  |  earlier

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ive been trying to call my bf but he hasnt been answering since i tried at 6pm he always keeps his phone with him et al. im getting nervous i did something wrong or he knows i go on YA now and im paranoid he found some of my Qs in Singles and Dating, or something, im sure im being paranoid but he ALWAYS answers eek.

maybe his phone is just on silent? he seemed ok on the phone last night?




  1. maybe he is with his friends, watching football and the place is too noisy to hear his phone ring, just give him a bit of time and he will call u back when he sees your misses calls.

  2. your gettin paranoid.

    for one, if your doing something "bad" on here in the first place then that's not good at all and you should be scared.

    and second of all maybe hes in the shower or busy or his phone died, theres a million reasons.

  3. or maybe he lost his phone...or left it at home on accident

    dont worry about it or you'll drive yourself crazy!!!

  4. he's probably having s*x with his bit on the side

  5. He probably is upset about finding out that you was on website, and just need time to think this thing over.

  6. He can maybe be out with his friends and having some fun and turned his phone off or left it at home all day or he can't maybe hear his phone you should not worried men are men.

  7. ♦ Give him a chance to call ya back, you never know whats going on at his end.

  8. It's only half past eleven, the clubs won't be out yet, give it another couple of hours before you panic.


  9. Don't get paranoid Red,he's probably lost his phone.
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