
Where can i do canoe camping?

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Where can i do canoe camping?




  1. Maine?

  2. You really should google it.

  3. Canada has some amazing places. You can canoe from one lake to another. You can go for a week and never see anyone.

  4. Algonquin park in Northern Ontario, or different camps along the lake Superior

  5. there are thousands of places but you did not say where you wanted to go or where you were located so its just opinion where to canoe camping.  Try lakes or calm water so you can carry a lot of gear and not have to deal with dumping it out or dealing with rapids.  Goggle canoe camping and it will give you lots of information

  6. Boundary Waters in northern Minn. is an absolutely amazing place to paddle.  Or, if you live out West like me, we take a week on Yellowstone Lake every spring.  The fishing is unbelievable, but you have to be pretty "bear aware" (these Griz in the springtime make blacks seem like kittens!).  I don't think it can be beat for solitude and pure wilderness.

  7. I"d find somewhere local and canoe first in calm water, then move onto an overnighter in calm water. Do wear pfd's if anyone can't swim well, and do take lots of water and food and adequate covering for sun, wind, and rain. In NC, we have lots of state parks and state river ways that you can canoe camp on, where there are designated canoe camping sites.

    I've also gotten a permit and canoe camped in the boundary waters in MN in the summer, but you may have to portage your gear, so travel light! I've paddled and camped in Voyagers Nat'l Park in MN, beautiful lakes with tons of islands to camp on.

    In Georgia, you can get a permit and canoe camp on platforms in the Okeefenokee Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, I've done that in the winter, when the bugs are gone.

    You can paddle on the Green River and canoe through Canyonlands, and camp on the ledges along the river. I went in May before it got too hot.

    Whatever you do, do it safely!

  8. Montreal River, in Northern Ontario.

    Best place I have ever been.

  9. IN the NJ Pine Barrens (Bass River State Forest).

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