
Where can i learn about stocks?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to start stocks (i dont need a broker or anything cuz im just gona have my dad buy the stock for me and he has everything setup). I just have to know how to find the right stock. Basicaly, if i find a stock that i think will go up in the future i have 2 convince my dad to buy it for me and he's really hard to convince. so how do i learn about which kind of stocks to get and stuff like that.




  1. Here is a great site to learn from :

  2. Suppose a group of persons or a business organization propose to start a new project requiring large amount of money which they are unable to arrange. They form a public limited company and invite the public to be a part of the project. The company as per laws of the government announces the issue of shares through which any eligible person can become a shareholder of the company. The word stock simply refers to a supply. You may have a stock of T-shirts in your closet or a stock of pencils in your desk. In the financial market, stock refers to a supply of money that a company has raised. This supply comes from people who have given the company money in the hope that the company will make their money grow.

    For more information on this topic plz visit:

  3. I don't know how old you are Jay, but welcome to the information age, you can learn everywhere, the internet, barnes & noble, school, and by talking to people.

    First off figure how you want to rate a stock, fundementally, that is the balance sheet, market exposure, price to earnings ratio, management, etc. All public companies, those that trade on the stock market, have to make all this info public by law and all have a annual report that they give out for free. Contact a company you like and have them mail you thier annual report. Now if you are a technical anaylist, you want to look at numbers, thier price high and low, how low have they gone, how high, what is the volume, that is how many shares do they trade per day, you will look at graphs and figure out thier resistance and support, and then you will buy when all this data looks like it is giving you a buy signal. If you are a quantum anaylist you will look at relationships and ratios alot. If you are a value guy you will wait to a stock you like goes down in price for no good reason and then jump on it, if you are a growth man you will get a compnay that has potential for phenomenal growth or expansion. There are 1000's of books available explaining this in much greater detail, go to you library and get them for free to read. Your Dad is a very smart man and great dad , he is making you understand why and how to invest at an early age and this will pay off in big ways as you get older.

    Hope this helped.

    Good luck.

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