
Where did I loose My Phone

by  |  earlier

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Any psychic impressions on this? I thought I knew where I lost it, and asked lost and found there, but they said they hadnt recieved it. Any ideas? did someone find it and keep it, or did lost and found lie about it? or is it still lying underneath something somewhere,or something? It was expensive, but I shut off the service to it already.




  1. next to ur bed. it fell between the bed nd the wall

  2. sry sum1 proabbly found it and sold it told the people all it needs is a charger and it ready to go lost phones go fast sry mate mybe next time you keep a closer watch on your things

  3. litle more detail as to were you were could be handy?

    anyway i don't know sorry, amybe somone stole it?

  4. And here I thought this was for the science of the paranormal... silly me!

    Not a psychic, but I'm wondering if the phone got set into a different desk there, accidentally misplaced. Check the lost-and-found two more times, about 2-3 business days apart, and be sure to be there in person. Explain that it's got some irreplaceable pictures in it (or some similar excuse which might be true), and read the body language! Have them check the locked drawers just in case someone thought it was too expensive to put into the actual lost-and-found bin.

    That's not psychic advice, merely practical.

  5. I'm getting a car door, but I can't tell if it's your car or a friend's car or even a taxi.

  6. It's in that car that you haven't fixed yet.

  7. You loosed your phone? You unleashed it's power, or did you simply lose it?

  8. I    would suggest that you call your own phone and if some one answers tell that thy need to return asap

  9. I think it's really lost. I think you lost in a public bathroom.

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