
Where did all the heroes go?

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Has anyone else noticed the recent trend to take great men - heroes - and turn them in to flawed men? And why do you think this is?

Recently, Hollywood has made adaptations of two ancient heroic epics: The Iliad and Beowulf. In Troy, several characters, in particular; Ajax Telemonious and Agamemnon were portrayed as deeply flawed and despicable characters (ESPECIALLY Agamemnon who turned in to a tyrannical coward) whereas in the original they were great men who fought their own battles with honour, bravery and without fear.

In the recent adaptation of Beowulf; the story goes from an heroic, do-or-die, death before dishonour EPIC of a King who brings honour and prestige to a nation to a story of a man whose p***s almost destroys mankind. And Hrothgar! They turned a great and noble king in to a blabbering, lard**** who also can't control his p***s or even keep his robe from falling off.

Maybe it's today's increasingly pacifist climate. Or maybe we just don't like heroes anymore?




  1. First off, I disagree about the original presentation of Agamemnon.  While I agree he wasn't the tyrant he was made out to be for this movie, he had a severe pride problem.

    And I don't see what you mean by Ajax Telamon's portrayal.  He seemed like a good guy who was just body-proud.  Beyond that, his character wasn't really expanded on.  It may have been important in the original myth, but it was a side story to the main story of Achilles in this movie.  With only a few hours to work with, a few things had to be cut.

    I didn't see Beowulf, so I won't comment on it.

    I'll instead go to your main question.  Why are the stories that are coming out of Hollywood, which is basically our mythology now that books have gone to writers like Tom Clancy (not exactly a Homer of our time), so anti-hero?  And why are the heroes portrayed with such flaws?

    I agree its the present mood of society, but I don't think it has to do with pacifism.  It has to do with our current leaders.  We see our leaders try to portray themselves as flawless.  They try to portray themselves as the only ones who can save us from the mistakes of the others.

    We all see their flaws, but they refuse to acknowledge any.  They fail without flaws.  Our mythology responds by showing characters that fail, but are strong enough to acknowledge the failure and return stronger.  These heroes of current movies are what we wish our real leaders were.

  2. The role of the "hero" has gone through some serious changes during the last 40 or 50 years. He changed from the white-horse-riding keeper of the law(written and unwritten) to the anti-hero, the flawed criminal hero, to rewritten characters from classical lit. Hollywood has done more than it's fair share of recreating the hero and his role in our newer  updated versions of what a hero is. Ironically the sales of tickets has not only lowered the standards for heroes, it's re-polarized to where former scum has become the guy people not only want to see in movies, he's also the guy they want to emulate.

  3. Whatever happened to dear old Lenny ?

    The great Elmyra, and Sancho Panza ?

  4. We've got a public climate where the reality is vicious, cowardly violence and the public ideal is the behaviour of old women.  Courageous manly sticking up for yourself and others will get the police onto YOU, not the yobs you resisted.

  5. I don't believe it's a pacifist climate we're battling. Our society has become more violent, physically, and emotionally.

    Let's look at the popular TV programs right now. Case in point - American Idol. The audience gets more entertainment from the disparagement of contestants than anything else. The more berating a judge can be, the more 'whipped up' the crowd becomes, and that's good for ratings.

    Any of the other 'Reality shows' promote conniving, back stabbing, and all the worst of human nature.

    I don't watch any of these shows, because I can't stand to see people stepping on other people. I believe that each one of us should work for the betterment of humanity, rather than tearing it down.

    And, no, I'm not a Christian. But I am spiritual.

  6. captain caveman

  7. Yes, I think it is about time to stop paiting a portrait of perfect heroes who get their own way in everything and can do no wrong.

    History and even myths and fables should judge heroes objectively.

  8. Hollywood needs clearly defined roles of hero and villain, never somewhere in between or all heroes.  Hollywood fans don't like to have to think about the film they've just seen (as shown by Cloverfield).

  9. Jerusalem, thou that stonest the prophets I have sent.

    Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago,

    Gone to ground every one,when will they ever learn?

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