
Where did myths originate?

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I know they were passed down from generation to generation, so that would make it seem as if they are originated in the minds of all people correct? or did they come out of a certain spot like europe,africa or egypt?




  1. What mythology is.... Is an situation that actually happen... But there is no one left that remember accurately  what really happen and what was past from mouth to mouth is all that is left to describe that prior incident... And the story changes with each story teller.......

  2. No one place started them that is because they actually saw these creatures such as dragons in those time frames but they vanished like Atlantis

  3. the earliest form of religious practices came from Mesopotamia, however, the first "true" myths came from Egypt

  4. a myth is nothing more  than a story told by and old man to a younger one, explaining some thing that had to under stand, like. in Alaska the Eskimos tell a story of a large whale that was so big that there ancestors built a village on it and the whale would move to where the seals were. every country every people have their own Myth. and as long as there are old story tellers there will always be  myth. in Texas there is a story about a man who roped and rode a Tornado. 'Pecos Bill'

  5. you are correct, they originated in peoples minds.

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