
Where do ninja bunnies come from!?

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Please tell me it keeps me awake at night.....seriously!




  1. Ninja bunnies hatch from the eggs of Ninja chickens.  Then the Ninja Pandas train the Ninja bunnies in all the ways of being ninja.

  2. from a mommy and daddy ninja bunny straight outa h**l

  3. Ninja Bunnies were born in the dark depthes of Pretzel Land when Master Garrato Un Soiled His Bacon Grits the First called forth an awesome and terrible power to be intercepted within the nearest mammels who stood near his socked feet that day on top of his mother's kitchen table: a purly white bunny. The bunny was gifted with extraordinary abilities not unlike that of the ninja. It then betrayed the master by stealing his bottle of maple syrup that he was ultimately chugging down and slashed his throat with a pink plastic spoon, only to reveal that the master was already dead. The master then seduced and mated with the ninja bunny, and threw the pregnant creature into the Abyss of Eternal Twinkies. Two monthes later, an army of Ninja Bunnies arose from the depthes, the spawn of the first. And thus came forth an apprentice of the Master, Gron Hatchat, who after a s**y dance of "You Are My Mockingbird", gained their allegience and brought forth their power for the good of Alkohov persei populations,and the world...

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