
Where does a parent turn?!?!?

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My son is having problems in school, and I don't know where else to turn. He is being bullied, and it's not by another student! It's by the man in charge of diciplining students, this man has went nose to nose with my son, literaly nose to nose while standing over him. My son is Bi-polar and has general axiety disorder. And since he was diagnosed and his IEP was put in place for his learning diabilities, he has been physically pulled into the office at least 10 times this year by this man alone. He has only been in trouble one other time this year, and that was for cursing, after getting kicked between his legs in gym class. I have went to the principal, the superintendent and the vice superintendent, with no resulst from anyone. I was told by one, if "John" can just make it thru this year, Mr. "Doe" will be gone next year. Today they took my son out in handcuffs to the local police station, or saying to this man " you probably wish I would just go kill myself". HELP!!




  1. Read IDEA and find out what agencyin your state does civil rights complaints in education and file a complaint. File a complaint with the state education board, there is a process, especially if there is a known disability and an IEP. My autistic son was arrested at 9 for a serious behavior response to an IEP violation. The OOhio Legal Rights Services provided a lawyer. I would think there would be an agency in your state to do this as well. Read wrights law, there are good articles on it...then search that site for some good sound legal opinion....find a special ed attorney, one may do it pro bono or be able to point you in the right direction for the state freebies....Good luck, you are your son's best advocate and....the court may help you out with the may be surprised....

  2. I hope you are writing down everything on a daily basis.  I'd put it in writing to the principal, superintendent and to the teacher that you do not want the person touching your child at any point and you are contacting the state department of education and the media regarding the matter.  Then follow through!

  3. I'd report the school for child abuse.

    Be sure to let your son know you are on his side-and this man is the one that is wrong and breaking the law.

    If your child has Bi Polar disorder-you should have a written behavior plan including interventinos by teh school psychologist/socail worker/behaviorist prior to being sent to the discipline office.

    the schools hands are probably tied to a degree by Union Contracts/possible tenure issues-but they could Suspend  him with pay while they investigate.

    Ask your son how he would feel about being home schooled for teh remainder of the school year if that is a possibility-

    based on the statement he made-your doc could say he is medically unable to attend school and requires home instruction.

  4. Contact the special ed department, and find out who the student advocate is.  This is not something you need to go through alone.  Don't get into the specifics just ask for the advocate's office or number.  If this doesn't work then try to get a phone list of all the different departments in the school system.  Go on line and look at the school system's detailed department list.

    The other suggestion is to contact your local county representative, and ask for assistance.  

    Be prepared to be your own advocate.  Meaning you will need to be the squeaky wheel and pull in all the people you feel you need to listen to your case.  

    In this type of situation the internet is your friend.  Do Google searches to find out what county resources are available to you.  Don't be afraid to call anyone, and ask questions.  

    Attorney's are also a resource.  If this single individual is not following the IEP then the school system is not doing its job, and they are responsible for implementing it.

    There is no set answer of what to do until you educate yourself on the resources available to you.  Become familiar with Federal Law 94-142, and also google for support forums for parents of children with Bi-Polar disorders in your state or county.  These are one of your best resources for information.

    Facts are your friend, and knee jerk emotional reactions can work against you.

    Don't hesitate to pm if I can be of assistance.

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