
Where does marijuana grow wild?

by Guest61912  |  earlier

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I live in Canada so theres not any that i know of unless some one planted it.




  1. grows in nepal

  2. This a very bad question im calling the police

  3. u think if someone knew that, there would be any left?

    i dont think so ha ha

  4. grow it on your own.

  5. Costa costarican and i could literally grow weed in my backyard if i wanted. no one would care.

  6. In least i hope it does

  7. Today Marijuana grows wild in many places,because people who smoke throw the seeds all over the place.

    This plant goes way back into history and is most certainly  related to ancient agricultures .

    In Asia ,Africa,The middle east it was already used many thousands of years ago  for cooking oil,to make sails,ropes,clothes,jute bags etc

    This is the reason it has so much negative propaganda today ,because it is the biggest competition to the synthetic fiber industry,and before that came out ,America and Mexico were the biggest `producers of Marijuana fiber.

    The plant also produces a variety of medicines for things like asthma or nervous disorders and of course the concentrated drug Hashish,the word assassin comes from this ,from the time before prince Babur .

    So it grows wild all over Africa ,Asia and the middle east.and anywhere elsewhere there have been users ,or where it is farmed.

    The plant grows in a great variety of climatic conditions.,and there are hundreds of varieties of Marijuana,with more hundreds of new hybrids that are bred especially for the drug.

    Other strains are especially for the fiber

  8. in the land of candy, rainbows and unicorns

  9. Good Question... lots of places we don't know.

    Answer mine please:;_ylc=...

  10. Kentucky

  11. Columbia

  12. why man

  13. It doesn't just grow wild. It's illegal in most countries, so in order for it to be produced people have to do it in secret. And for those countries that it is legal in, the government controls the supply! So basically you have to buy from your grower...unless it gets legalized in the future...which I think it will!

  14. Vietnam :)

      Charlie did it :)

    No, seriously it grows everywhere ..all continents except for Antarctica

  15. i remember going to the Netherlands, and our tour guide showed us a WHOLE field of marijuana. it was huge

    but it's not a big deal there, since it's legal.

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