
Where exactly Vatican City was?

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Where exactly Vatican City was?




  1. It's inside the city of Rome. The fascinating thing about this very tiny country, is that it's smaller than the National Mall in Washington, DC. It's smaller than the area between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. You can literally walk the whole country in minutes.

  2. N41° 54' 8.31", E12° 27' 12.05"

  3. It is in rome,Italy an independent country,headed bY Pope and seat of highest Roman Catholic Christianity

  4. Inside the City of Rome, Italy

  5. Has it moved lately?  As indicated, it is within the boundry of the city of Rome, Italy.  It occupies the Vatican Hill (one of the 7 hills of Rome), and contains about 1/6th of a square mile.  By Treaty with Italy in 1929, the City governs as a quasi-independent state (it does use a common currency with Italy as to its own stamps which can be used for postage within the City).   The treaty cleaned up some problems that arose when Italy was united in the 1860s.  Prior to then, the Pople ruled over a large part of central Italy called the Papal States.  After the unification, the Pope refused to recognize Italy as ruler of its previous territory.  

  6. Vatican City is completely surrounded by the city of Rome, Italy.

    Here is the official website of the Vatican City State:

    And the U.S. Department of State's web page for the Vatican City State:

    With love in Christ.

  7. in rome. its the smallest country. it all fits inside one city, rome. fascinating place. you should go there if you can.

    make it a good day

  8. It is in Europe and it is the most smallest country in the world.

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