
Where it originated shroud of Turin?

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Where it originated shroud of Turin?




  1. In the middle ages in Europe, wars were constantly being fought.
      After a battle the captured nobility were ransomed back to to their own countries.  This applied to the dead also e.g. After the battle of Bannockburn in 1314 in Scotland hundreds of dead English knights were stripped of thir armour and wrapped in mort cloths (shrouds).
      The bodies were kept in the cold vaults of churches until ransom was paid, then bodies were released. This could take weeks from notification to return of body.  In this period the blood, putrefication juices would stain cloth leaving shape of body. During the many crusades in the middle east many nobles bodies were wrapped in this style placed in lead coffins and returned home. Some were put in barrels of wine or vinegar and returned home.
       So what I am try ing to say that there would be many of these cloths which would be removed for a proper burial. So some enterprising church man or mortician could wash shroud and pose it as Christ.
      When Martin Luther went to Rome he saw enough pieces of the cross to have built a fleet of ships, 13 heads of john the Baptist and enough bones of saints to supply all the worlds medical schools.  
       But this is just my theory.

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