
Where the heck is bin laden????

by  |  earlier

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where the heck is bin laden, what do you guys think, i think the us goverment are looking after him and using him as bait.................... where do you think he is ????????????/




  1. I don't know but they're bringing out a board game called ''where in the world is osama bin laden"

  2.'re asking us, ok?  (*rolls eyes*)  ^_^  *lol*

    Like we'd know....that's rather the point.  Vice President Cheney was a close business partner, on a First-Name Basis, with Osama Bin Laden's *own father* here, and you think we're going to find That Prodigal Son *one second* before d**k Cheney and his Sock Puppet Bush leave town.....Can you say *Naive*?

    But I'll humor you.  ^_^

    Osama Bin Laden is in Mexico.  The impression I get is Yucatan Peninsula.  But yeah, Mexico.

    Why?  Well, no, *How* is more fun.....

    --The Afghan Warlords *Bush trusted* to get the guy were *clearly* on the Saudi/Halliburton payroll, and their orders were clear: Make our soldiers look good, look like a bunch of bungling imbeciles yourselves, and *get OBL out of Afghanistan*.  All of which they did, because they were *paid in* U.S. currency, which spends *really well* in spite of their hatred of "Teh Great Satan."

    They got him as far as the border between Pakistan and India.

    --From there, OBL chilled for a while.  He had to.  He had tapes to make, and had to *exploit* the rugged countryside to trick the rest of the planet into thinking he was still in the mountains, in some *cave* somewhere.  Never mind that his *kidneys* had failed, requiring him to be on dialysis and *need medical attention* twice a week.  Nope, Teh Great Satan is that *stoopid*, they will buy anything...

    --After making *all* of his tapes, yes, including the current one and the *next six* because his video camera can *have* the day, date and time data *reset on it*, he does the *unthinkable* by most Islamic Hardass (tm) standards:

    He shaves his beard, shaves his *body*, shrouds himself head to toe like he'd *expect* a good woman to, and finds his way across India as a deaf old woman who needs to get to a cooler, more hospitable climate "for her health".  The ruse works, mainly because his entourage goes along with it, believing *very sincerely* that their Hindu hosts are all jackasses anyway, and that sinning against *them* isn't much of a sin really.  Oh, and fairly steady and discreet *Saudi payola* at every mosque, every step of the way, covers a LOT, since in India, Islam is an *oppressed* minority religion that could use all the help it can get.....

    This gets OBL on a "sealed" merchant marine vessel headed out of India and around the Cape of Good Hope, down around South Africa.  No non-Muslim is *allowed* to see or visit their "elderly female" passenger, so nobody is allowed to get one clue as to who it is.

    --The "sealed" vessel will get him as far as Venezuela.  The Venezuelan government *does NOT* know about this particular incident, because they are *competitors* with OPEC.  Instead, what happens is....a large chunk of that Saudi Payola from Dear Old Dad ends up *greasing the palms* of dockworkers, many of them with connections to the drug trade, paying them off to a) make sure certain "crates" remain unopened, b) make sure certain passengers aren't watched too closely, and c) make sure a large part of that drug trade money *goes to buying Afghan opium*, to maintain the payola to the Afghan warlords.

    OBL and entourage then spend the next year in prayer, growing their beards and manhood back out, in penance for India....they also lose a few men playing with certain flea-bitten rats, and the diseases they carry, seeing how that would work out....

    --After a year of that, OBL goes by a cue *he himself* planted previously in one of his own video tapes--which is just now in circulation no doubt--and makes arrangements with his contacts to get a speedboat.  He and two of his most trusted men slip away under the cover of night and poor weather across the Gulf of Mexico, to further contacts in the drug extra crate is in there with OBL's kidney dialysis equipment, and it contains stock after stocks of powdered and pulverized *rat hides, fleas and all*.  Not to mention the equipment needed to extract *live bubonic plague* bacteria from that mess.

    --And now....he's in Mexico.  He has the plan--start the Black Death, this time at the U.S.-Mexican border--and the means to execute it personally, *himself*.  He's just chilled out, quietly biding his time, waiting for his buddy d**k Cheney to give the signal, as per usual.

    Sweet Dreams.  ^_^  You can hate me now.

  3. having coffee with george and d**k in the rose garden!!

  4. I've answered this before.  He's commuting between Dubya's ranch and the Afghan-Pakistan border mountains where he makes the occasional Video.

  5. I don't know, hopefully dead.

  6. Bin hiding.

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