
Where to start.....?

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I really want to get into the acting field. I do have some prior experience; but nothing more than school plays. According to others and my past directors "I have a great singing voice". I also have some music background playing the piano (7-9 years) and willing to learn others. My question is were to get started? But remembers it's a small town, with only one theater that brings in people for across the U.S, and some others smaller community theaters.

So how do I make my dream a reality?

Ok, let's get this clear, I am not doing this in search of money and fame, I' am doing this beacuse I love

acting/singing/dancing/music. If fame and money come along with it great, but I don't care about that, all I want is to get into acting.

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  1. what you are doing right now is the best way to start!! just keep building a resume (try some student films they are great!) then after you are sure you have a professional looking resume you can get headshots and start searching for a good legit agent just remember keep training and honing your craft (use it or lose it!)

    best of luck!! happy dreaming!!


    answer mine please;...


    This website is regularly updated with Disney auditions! But first...

    1) Before you do anything you need to get TONS of experience/training. Community theaters, school plays, voice classes, drama classes, dance classes. The more experience/training the better. You should also try to become a "Triple Threat". In today's society, you really have to be talented in all three in order to appear on TV/movies.

    2) Once you are skilled and have lots of experience you need to build your resume. Refer to the website I gave you if you need help creating a resume. You will also need a head shot, which is a natural picture of you that casting directors will see before anything. Make sure these are professionally taken and updated whenever you change your look. Also, make sure you look like you in your picture. If you normally have crazy curls don't straighten your hair for your picture (unless of course that's how you wear it everyday).

    3) You will need an agent now that your resume and head shot are taken care of. Nobody in Hollywood will look at you if you don't have an agent. At the same time, don't depend on your agent to do everything for you. They have millions of other people to take care of along with you.

    That's all basically but it is a long process that will take you much more time than it seems.



    Good luck!

  3. You always start your career where you are. So be in all the plays and musicals you can, How far is it to professional acting classes? because that is the next thing you need. When you have a good resume of experience and training, you will have to move on to where the action is.  Try for every role they will let you try for.
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