
Which 2 RBs should i start??

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Frank gore vs ARI

Maurice Jones Drew @ TEN

Michael Turner vs DET

LenDale white vs JAC

im pretty much certain i am starting Gore and certain i am not starting White......but im undecided about MJD and Turner.....which 2 RBs should i start

scoring....1 point=10 yds

.....6 points=td




  1. i would go with Michael Turner. MJD is injured and shares RB duties, Lendale White also shares duty with Chris Johnson. Turner has a good match-up the Detroit defense isnt that solid.

  2. For week 1 I would start Frank Gore and MJD. You don't know how well Michael Turners gonna play in his first NFL start. And Lendale White is nothing more then I really good back up fantasy RB.

  3. Frank Gore and Maurice Jones-Drew

    Gore because Arizona is not that good on defense or at all

    Even though Tennessee is a good defense Jones Drew is way better than Turner

  4. Gore for certain....MJD is solid but will share reps.  MT will get alot of carries but is somewhat unproven in the ATL system.  That being said I still think he gives you more upside than MJD so I would go with Gore and Turner.

  5. I would start Gore and Maurice Jones Drew because they are good at making big plays

  6. Gore easily.

    Turner, unless Fred Taylor doesn't start thanks to disorderly conduct in Miami. Just not a fan of timeshare backs- MJD.

  7. i would have to go with Gore, Turner for many reasons. First of all, Turner goes up against DET, who is not a formidable opponent like TEN. Also, JD is coming off an injury AND sharing with Fred Taylor. MJD will not start off getting all that many carries. Turner btw is going to get nearly all the carries for ATL.

    Oh, and Turner has been putting up great numbers in the preseason.

  8. I would start Turner.  While J-D is the better of the two, he is going to split carries with Fred Taylor.  He also is going up against a very decent Tennessee defense, while Turner is playing a weak Detroit defense.

    In most other situations, I would start J-D, but this week start Turner.

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