
Which Major should I do??

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Which career path should I choose: (I'm good with all of 'em)



-Computer Sciences (Information technology)

And what country/university is best for your chosen field of education.





  1. The United States will always be the top choice for just about every degree. Our higher education system is unparalleled. So the country of choice is obvious. Of course, the best University will vary. It really depends on which schools you can get into. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and Princeton are the big names, but they are not easy to be accepted into.  

  2. Do what's best for you. What are you interested in? If money's very important and you're charismatic, go into business. If you like building and creating useful things, go into Engineering. If you want a steady job with good hours, go into Computer Sciences. Most of all, make sure it's a career that can support you financially, one that you can be proud of, and most importantly, one that you love.

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