
Which NATO countries will actually fight?

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Which NATO countries will actually fight?




  1. All, if one is attacked.

  2. I guess a better question is, other than the United States, which countries in NATO will fight?

    Apparently this Russian bull c**p has shown.

  3. England(and any country that was once in the British Empire except India)




    South Korea

    The Netherlands


  4. apparently not the americans

  5. It`s a very simple matter.If Georgia was a NATO member then all the NATO would have to unite against the aggressor.No exceptions.If they don`t response that means losing every prestige they`ve build up for decades.

    Since Georgia is not,then this is no obligation to help at all.If Georgia was NATO in the first place,the Russians would never bothered Georgia under any circumstances.

    So,it`s stupid to ask which NATO countries will fight and which ones will not.It`s just a matter of that state being attacked in within the ring or not.The US didn`t have any mutual agreement with Georgia(Nor the NATO)so if they decided to sit back and watch,then it`s their call.

  6. The United States is NATO.  They are the only military that matters in the mix -- about 90% of the combat power.

    The United Kingdom is about 9% of the rest of the combat power.  They are good, staunch allies and will man up when needed.

    The rest of NATO is a joke.  It is just a sad excuse for all of the western European countries to spend nothing on defense while allowing the US and UK to defend them.

    FWIW, the ex-Warsaw Pact countries are NOT like that.  E.G. Poland is there for US, I certainly hope we will be there for Poland.

    As to actually fighting -- Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, et al, will collectively send a force about the size of a US Army Corps in defense of NATO.  It is interesting to note that the only 'attack' on a NATO country was committed upon the United States on 9/11/01 -- the other 17 odd NATO countries have sent about two brigades to Afghanistan to complete their commitment to Article 5 of the treaty.

    You can depend on the US and the UK.  The rest of those wussie countries are just looking for a free ride.

  7. You are probably talking about Georgia. Georgia is NOT part of NATO thus none will fight. If any country attacked any NATO country all will have to attack the other country. Russia will never allow another country to be NATO aligned on its border. Anyway just thought I would add my own two sense.  

  8. Americans, that you can know about an event on Caucasus. Your pity president Bush has sent thousand soldier to die in Iraq and Afghanistan. And you have not enough of it, millions victims are necessary to you! Your mass-media write what Russia wishes to derthrow " the Democratic mode in Georgia ", and whether there was this mode a choice of Georgian people? No. Саакашвили by a military coup d'etat свергнул the government. So to authority dictators come, and it has proved it. Your mass-media consider in the world independent. Lies. They have initially taken positions of Georgia in spite of the fact that they exterminate the peace population. In Georgia are forbidden to displays of telechannels of Russia as in them all arbitrariness of authority in Georgia is shown. I call all who have though a few reason, to come on Russian sites of news and will be convinced of aggression of the government of Georgia.

  9. Germany, given the right to revamp its military can pretty much stand alone - even w/o US support.

    Proof - why would they send their troops to fight for some one else when Germany is not allowed to revamp is military.

    Some of their weapon platforms already out perform US platforms.

  10. please note not all Nato member condemn Russia invasion to Georgia.

    Many feel Russia is in the same position like smaller Nato members - we get all the s**** and look at the Olympic party in China; China is so rich with US help , what has US done to us? US give all order to China, and abandon us.  

  11. Historically, only the UK has had the nads to stand with the US in times of crisis. As for the other NATO countries, they'll only fight if it's their country that is attacked.

  12. Your question prompted me to look at the map of Afghanistan and the deployment of NATO forces in that country. Most of the NATO forces smack up against the border with Pakistan are British, Canadian, U.S. and Dutch. Italy has the blocking force up against the border with Iran.

    So, one could say those are the troops in the thick of it and the ones facing the dangers up front, even though the link below is to a story dealing with the attack on French forces.

  13. all of them they know when they join in the treaty it says all for one one for all if one is attack all of them will unleach the full force of their militaryies aginst the agressor....why do you think Russia is picking on Georgia now before they become a NATO member they are also invading Georgia to scare the Ukrein out of NATO but its not working on their part it steped uop the process at first it was just Us that wanted them in now its Germany,Poland,France and the U.K. that want the 2 nations in....

    Also the thing is when people say the the US and the U.K. are all of NATO they are wrong Germany and France are also huge part of NATO Germany more than the UK any war you would see NATO with 35 of the top 40 military power either member or allied with member all declare war on the agressor....

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