
Which Navy rate should I choose?

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I'm going to enlist in the navy and I'm not sure which rate to choose. I got a 91 on the ASVAB so I qualified for every rating. They obviously wanted me to go nuke, but I'm not going to go that route. I was thinking maybe something in the crypto field but the descriptions all seem very vague and I know there's a new rating(CTN) but since it's new I don't think anybody knows much about it yet. I was looking at FC as well, but really at this point, I'm not sure. Mostly I just don't want to regret picking whatever job I get and if it's great for getting a job afterwards as a civilian that's a plus too.




  1. Well having a high ASVAB score is only one aspect that is considered when picking a rate. There are physical (normal colour perception) and moral (arrest record) that are also looked at.

    Finally there is the needs of the Navy. You will be offered what the Navy needs when you go to MEPS. The enlisted classier is the one who makes the program guarantee, not the recruiter. He/she will know if the job transfers over to civilian life.

  2. Your writing skills are better than most. Assuming your speaking skills are also better than most, if I were you, I'd go Intelligence Specialist (IS). It's marketable too. A top secret clearance will help you later in life if you stay in the defense industry.

  3. Awww but nuke is so FUN.

    We get two years of mind numbing schooling and then have longer hours than most of our Navel peers!

    Why not?

    P.S. even if you qualified you probably still would have had to take the nuke test with a  91. I pulled a 93 and got the exact score needed for nuke, and the only other nuke in the area got a 91 but had to take the nuke test.

    Take your time. You don't need to rush. I spent 2 months between my initial meeting and the day i went to MEPS with my decision.

    DO your research on all the rates you are interested in. If possible talk to some people that did the jobs you're interested in, and even do a little civilian work in it if you can before you choose.

    Your final decision will be at MEPS and they should go over all the final details for a job you think you want to make sure you know it's right for you.

    And unlike the Army, we give you a contract up front with your job in black and white, so part of you enlisting is the binding agreement that you will get what they promised.

    In the other branches they don't ever actually do that, they sign you up and than you decide. And thats where yu end up hearing the complaints.

  4. The IT rating is very well adaptable to the civvie side and the crypto fields can prepare you for intel community work. Do use your talent for something good. Don't waste it on a rating you scored well too high for.

    With a score like that go intel, IT or crypto. You can also look into EOD  which offers a $40,000 enlistment bonus right now. You can also search for CTx jobs here on this site and there are similar questions already answered about CTx.

  5. Well, I would suggest the crypto field or maybe ST, OS or something else that doesn't have you down in the bilge scrubbing all day long. Just don't go anywhere anything that puts you in the engine room.

  6. CTN is Network Security.  its keeping the bad guys from hacking into our networks.  FC is maintaining and operating the  computers that control the toys that go "Boom".  

  7. Recruiters are not known for telling the truth.

    I knew a guy in the Army that wanted to learn to work with chemicals.

    Oh yeah they told him.

    After he got in he was climbing telephone poles.

    They put him in a signal group.

    They put you where they want. Then when you get out they will help you with school.

  8. It mostly depends on what your interests are. When I was in the Navy I was a QM and loved it, but I know that isn't for everyone.

    If nothing strikes you as really interesting next look at where the best chances for advancement are and/or which would best prepare you for a civilian career.

    As for advancement new and/or technical fields were the best way back when I was a swabby :-)

  9. I went ET [subs].

    Specifically Navigation Computer System Analyst.

    We navigate subs by monitoring gravity fluctuations, It is very cutting edge and uses a lot of physics. It is needed to develop the math for inter-stellar travel.

    Nucs get paid really well, though I was paid on the same level.

    SRB levels are high, and tax-free pay is good too!

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