
Which Picture?! Info inside...

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I'm a planning on entering a photography contest but do not know which picture to choose. Can some people who actually know things about photography help me out/critique them? I'd ask my friends but none of them are into art. There will be pros and ams entering so I don't know if my work will hold up to others...

One contest allows three photographs and the other one only allows one photograph.

Thanks in advanced,






  1. Nice name!!  ;)

    I seriously think the first one is really interesting.  Go with it for one of your photos!

  2. falling sand, looking up, and rain clouds are my three favorite. they are all strong pieces.

    I wouldn't use any of the ones with light beams through them. they do look nice but I wouldn't use them in a photography contest. The sunset and cloud ones are nice but are mediocre compared to your other pieces.  

  3. Rain clouds (the first one) is fantastic. The only problem is the darkness on the left side. I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not, but I think some lighting on the field would have made this picture perfect. But ya know, it's still an amazing picture. The sky is unbelievable. Maybe mess with the color contrast a little, make those clouds really pop.

    Orange glow is my 2nd favorite. The color is great, the composition is great, and I love the sense of movement you get from the texture of the rocks. It's beautiful. The only thing I don't like is that little patch of over-exposure top-center, it really distracts the eye, but a little editing could get rid of that.

    3rd would either be falling sand or sparkler. Of course, falling sand is great because of the movement but it's kind of's too monotone or something. Maybe a little color boost would help? Also, sparkler is so creative and interesting. I'm really torn between those two.

    They're all very beautiful. Good luck with your contest!

  4. I like the falling sand, and the orange glow.  Very neat pictures...

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