
Which Things/Elements Makes Life Boring?

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Eg: Which Moment of life makes us feel that we dont need to live any more.Every One Can Express his Lifes Experience.




  1. the monotonous of life... when we don't see the importance of each morning because we are treating everyday as the same...

  2. ...Your life is boring stuck with limited knowledges in your enriches your knowledge as much as you can..

  3. not accepting the reality of our lives and realizing that we are the only ones who can affect change.

  4. Stereotypes. You repeat one lifestory all the time, again and again, for years, without any change.

  5. Answering this question was pretty boring.

  6. What makes life boring? Sameness. Narrowness of vision. Being stuck in a rut so deep, you can't see over the sides, let alone move from it.

    Being bored is largely the problem of the individual. There are tons of things to do to make life worth living -- one only has to imagine them.

  7. The necessary rituals of everyday living as a wife and mother. For me it is the neverending and completely thankless job of sock sorting. While nobody ever appreciates it, I certainly hear plenty of complaints and demands when it isn't completed!!!! Ranking close behind is tub and toilet cleaning. (Sorry if this is too graphic for anybody!)

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