
Which bread is healthier?

by Guest56045  |  earlier

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whole wheat wrap:

80 calories

3.5g total fat

1g sat. fat

11g carbs

1g sugar

8g protein

whole wheat bread:

90 calories

1.5g total fat

0g sat. fat

17g carbs

3g sugar

4g protein

im trying to lose weight but i dont know if i should be concerned with the carbs, sat fat, sugar or total fat.




  1. whole wheat wrap, less sugar and calories, more protien. the wheat bread has less fat, that's the only thing better about it.

  2. I'd say the second choice but for health and weight loss purposes you are much better eating a "whole grain" bread.  Just read the labels Good luck

  3. If you truely wanna know what bread is best for you its simple. NO BREAD AT ALL.

    Bread is just bad for you in general. Its straight carbs and has little nutrional value. If you want to be truely healthy you will elminate all breads from your diet.

  4. You should be concerned with balancing your daily intake. I don't know what else you've had today. The main focus is on fat and carbs. You should leave the wrap alone because the fat grams are so high. You can find a better bread that's lower in carbs. The fat is a lot lower, so I would eat the bread, again, I don't have any idea what your daily intake has been today.

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