
Which breed should I get?

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I'm getting a dog but I don't know which breed I should get. I have done all the proper research I should and I have talked to various reputable breeders but I'm still unsure which breed I should get. Here's my list

Chinese Shar Pei

Chow Chow



Afghan Hound


Scottish Deerhound






  1. I will go for the Scottish Deerhound

  2. I personally love Basenji's and they are pretty easy to housetrain and all of that good stuff!  But stay consistant!!!!  It also depends on where you live and how often you'll be home to let him out to go potty and play with him!  But, Afghan Hounds are really good and kind dogs!!!

    Hope I helped!!!!!

    (Saluki's are really hard to train)

  3. You've chosen two interesting gruops of dogs...

    Any of the sighthounds are bred to be docile and handleable around people, but with a high prey drive and a need to RUN.  The Chow/Sharpei on the other hand requires strong leadership or it will become bossy and dominant.  

    Personally, I'd go with any of the sighthounds.. through they're breeding they're naturally more docile and less dominant/aggressive.  It's going to be easier to groom and speed exercise a large dog than it's going to be to solve a potential problem with aggression.

    While you're at it, why don't you consider a Greyhound?  Same type as a lot of the ones you've picked, and there are lots fresh off the racetrack who are ready for a loving home and a sofa to retire on!  

  4. hi,

    to know what type of dog will suit you, you can use this dog finder match up

    the goal here is to help you figure out what type of dog best suits you and your personality. The results of the match up will suggest certain breeds.

    hope this helps

  5. please check the shelters!

  6. these are all hard breeds to find...but if u were lucky enough to find a GOOD breeder, id say chow chow, saluki, or basenji.  And these breeds have their ups and downs, chows shed ALOT and require lots of grooming, basenjis are smaller dogs and depending on if u want big or small.  Just figure out things, like write down what u want in a dog ex. good w/ kids, large, calm...


  7. From my own personal experience, I can tell you two things.

    1)  Shar Peis are very loyal dogs to family members, but they're better left to experienced dog owners.  They can be very, very hostile towards strangers and other dogs.  Only adults are allowed to feed mine because they do have some food aggression.  Other than that, I love them to death.

    2)  I recommend adopting dogs from a rescue organization.  Forget a dog's breed and look at the individual's personality.  If you rescue an adult dog from a reputable rescue organization, they can fill you in on the dog's energy level, how it will interact with you family, and how well it will fit in to your lifestyle.  It is very important to find a dog that will fit in to your life, because otherwise you could be stuck with a huge problem.

  8. You say you have done all the research, but the breeds you have listed are all drastically different.  You should know what temperament, exercise requirement, and grooming needs you're looking for and narrow it down that way.  

    For instance, Shar Peis have very oily skin combined with stiff hair that causes allergic reactions in some people.  They tend to be more introverted and can be difficult to train.

    Chows are an advanced breed, requiring intense training and a firm upper hand.  They can be dangerous if not properly socialized.

    Afghans require prodigious amounts of grooming and high speed exercise.  Do you have a safe place where you could allow it to run?

    Scottish deerhounds are enormous, and like the afghan, require frequent chances to run.

    These are all good dogs for various reasons, but there is no way any one owner would be ideally suited for all of them.  You need to figure out exactly what you want in a dog before you choose a beautiful breed.

  9. Definately Chinese Shar Pei.

  10. You say you have talked to various breeders but have any of them taken the time to examine your list and helped you to compare "their" breed with the others, discussing all the pros and cons? Those breeds are all very different and all have their pluses and their minuses and the breeders should have gone into a lot more detail with you - or you would not need to be asking us here!   Nobody can tell you which breed to get - that is a very personal choice - and one that has to be given a lot of thought since the puppy will be a member of your household for anywhere from 10 - 15 years (depends on the breed).  I would go back to the breeders and see what they say when you ask them to help you compare their breed with the others - and if they dont want to do this - find another breeder!  Not only do you want a "reputable" breeder but you need one that you can talk to and discuss things with,  as they will be your support system when you have questions and need help with your puppy, no matter what breed you choose to get.

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