
Which chores should go to who?

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we have a 6, 9, 12, and 15 (and me who is 19) year olds. Our dad is taking it easy as he just cam home from iraq with cancer and my mom died when branden was born (6). Which chores should go to who.

Right now:

The 6 year old (Branden) does:

-takes care of the fish

The 9 year old (Adriana):

-cleans the bathroom

-takes care of the birds

The 12 year old (Isabella):

-takes care of the family garden

-cleans the kitchen (sweeps the floor and wipes the counter tops)

-takes care of the dogs

The 15 year old (Brianna):

-helps with the taxes

-unloads the dishwasher

-takes care of the horses

I do the rest. (Roselina)

Who do you think has too much chores, too little chores, or has just the right amount. Who should the chore go to if it's too much (not me, i have about 4 hours of chores to do, manage them, and do online classes, i never have a minute free)?

We all clean up after ourselves, do our own laundry, and make our bed




  1. WOW. Honey you have alot to handle at such a young age and seem to be managing well. i would ak the 15 yr old to take a couple things off of your list, the 6 yr old could take care of all of the animals except the horses. the 12 yr old could take another of the jobs you are assigned to. If you are involved in church-- i hope you are-- ask for help. thats what church family is for. if you are not a member of a church, visit some and let them know that you need help and watch God work. good luck and God bless.

  2. Heres what I think:

    The 6 year old (Branden) does:

    -takes care of the fish

    -unloads dish washer

    The 9 year old (Adriana):

    -cleans the bathroom

    -takes care of the birds

    -cleans the kitchen (sweeps the floor and wipes the counter tops)

    The 12 year old (Isabella):

    -takes care of the family garden

    -takes care of the dogs


    The 15 year old (Brianna):

    -helps with the taxes

    -takes care of the horses

    - Dinner (sometimes)

    And when you want to you do the rest.

    I think everyone should have three chores exepct the six year old he should get 3 at 10.

    If there are more chores to do and you have work to do tell the kids that every 5 chores they do that arnt theirs they get 2 peices of candy.

    Comments? Questions? Contact me!


  3. between you and isabella you should cook dinner 2 days and she should cook dinner 2 days.

    Adiana should take garbage out 3 days a week with Branden's help and some one else do it the rest of the week.

    Branden could set the table for dinner every night.

    Put his own laundry away

  4. The 6yr. old can learn how to fold the towels once you show him several times. Brianna only has to do the taxes during that tax season so I would suggest she clean the the living room. I think that other than that your good. WOW that is a family working together.

  5. Bless your hearts.  You have a lot on you.  Have you thought about just rotating some of the chores?  My seven year old is capable of cleaning around the toilet and other bathroom stuff.  And everyone could pitch in with some stuff just to make it go faster.  My 10 year old can sweep and mop which he does and everyone can vacuum.  You have to do what works for your family though and if you need more time to yourself, then maybe everyone else can pitch in with some of the stuff that you do.

  6. good for you for taking charge. You can probably hand a couple of your things off if it is taking you 4 hours. The 6 year old could do a couple more things. It may not be done the best but it will be done. Sit them all down and tell them that you just can't do it all. Write down the things you think they can handle and ask them to pick 1-2 each. Explain you all need to pull together at this time.

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