
Which college should I go to?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, so I've been planning for like the past year to go to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. I've been accepted, gotten a $3000 a year scholarship, been accepted for housing, the whole deal. Now, Tennessee Tech, along with their Army ROTC have contacted me saying they've got a deal for me. Army ROTC will pay full tuition for all four years, they'll pay for all the books I need, they'll pay for any lab fees or whatever, and finally, they'll give me a nearly $400 monthly stipend to do whatever I want with. Also, Tech will give me a dorm scholarship to where I don't have to pay for my housing either. Plus, the Army ROTC scholarship is transferable to any other college that has Army ROTC. There are several problems with this though. First, I haven't technically been accepted to Tech yet. Also, my mind is telling me this is a good deal, but my heart really says go to UT. Finally, I've been planning on going with the Air Force. So what do you think I should do?




  1. U of Tennessee @ Knoxvill

  2. I would stick with U of Tennessee @ Knoxville. Sounds like your best bet by far.

  3. If you've been planning to join the Air Force, I would talk to them and see what they can do for you. Tell them about the Army ROTC.  Yes, that's a great deal, but with a price. If you joined the Air Force first, would they pay your schooling? Just a thought.-

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